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Tag Archives: dover-sherborn

Caterpillar Lab inches its way to DTL

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff

Individuals of all ages were recently welcomed to Dover Town Library for some creepy, crawly fun as friends from the Caterpillar Lab in Marlborough, NH, traveled with a variety of caterpillars for exploration. Set up in the community room, an entire habitat was recreated for...

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Vision-boarding arrives at the DTL

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff

Chances are you’ve heard of manifesting, or envisioning and creating your ideal reality. Wishes and dreams were being further developed as the Dover Town Library (DTL) hosted a vision board-making event on Thursday afternoon, July 14.

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Sherborn COA hikes to beat the heat

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff

This summer has been full of great weather and multiple activities centered around enjoying the outdoors. With COVID restrictions subsiding and programs returning to full capacity, the Sherborn Council on Aging held its weekly walk of the Holliston Rail Trail.  

Sand sculptors battle for Golden Shovel

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff 

Sunday gifted us beautiful weather — the best July has to offer — and the sun motivated families to get to Farm Pond in Sherborn for the 38th annual Sand Sculpture Contest. Shovels and pails in hand, everyone secured plots and started building. Concepts ranged...

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Kids bug out at Sherborn playground

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff

Though school just let out, children of the Dover-Sherborn area were up early last Friday morning to attend a special summer class outdoors. Bryan Man, better known as Professor Bugman, lent his expertise to friends at the Sherborn playground for an insect safari. 

Big Truck Day brings smiles to Dover

By Emily Rast
Hometown Weekly Intern

Dover Library was the place to be on Thursday afternoon, as another successful Big Truck Day hit the street. 

If the lucky kids at the event weren’t playing in the...

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DSHS class of ’22 graduates

By Emily Rast
Hometown Weekly Intern

A beaming crowd of family and friends looked on last Thursday as Dover-Sherborn’s class of 2022 walked at a wonderful graduation ceremony. 

Students were likely anticipating a late-spring scorcher on...

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Dedham beats DS in stoppage time

This header would have put DS ahead late in the game, had it not been just a bit too high.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

While it’s a cliché to say that either team could have won when talking about a close game, there’s no...

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Rough fourth quarter sinks field hockey

Coach Molly McGill pointed to the play of Drew Hussar as a highlight in a tough loss.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

With Medway hanging images of their senior football players along the fence and various JV athletes trickling into the bleachers, the Mustangs’...

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Both cross country teams beat Millis

Both boys coach Stephen Harte and the girls’ cross country team cheer for a runner as he finishes the race.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Both the Dover-Sherborn boys and girls’ cross country teams moved to 2-0 last Wednesday evening at Millis, with a...

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DS Soccer drops opener to Medway

There were plenty of close calls, but ultimately no goals for the Raiders.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

While a matchup against Medway was Dover-Sherborn soccer’s first game of the year, on Wednesday night, it looked like the officiating crew was the rustiest team...

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Whittle teaches middle-schoolers about bycatch

Katherine Whittle explained that a large part of what drove her to create the Youth Environmental Stewardship Program is the belief that younger kids both look up to and relate better with older students.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

On June 8 and...

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Amidst downpours, DS softball slaughters Medway

Senior Ciara Crowley gets comforted by sophomore Caroline Boyajian as she walks off the field as a Dover-Sherborn Raider for the final time.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

In the rainiest game any of the Dover-Sherborn softball players likely have and will ever...

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Rower Ben Bejoian qualifies for Nationals

Ben Bejoian rowing on the water ahead of Nationals.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

You might think you know all the Dover-Sherborn athletes making their marks in their respective sports. Maybe you watch the high school games on TV, read about them, or even...

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DS tennis streaks past Norwood

At first singles, Robert Ozerdem finishes a point at the net with a very pretty drop volley.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

According to coach Jon Kirby, the Dover-Sherborn boy’s tennis team had won 85 regular season matches in a row going into their Thursday...

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DS falls late to Norton on Wednesday

While Derek Roman pitched well, pitch count rules played a role in his being pulled from the game.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

What was a 3-1 Norton game going into the fifth inning on Wednesday night would ultimately end up a dominant 13-1...

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Young DS, Medfield laxers face off

Medfield’s goalie is the last chance to stop a laser from a Dover-Sherborn attacker.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

At Metacomet Park on Saturday afternoon, the twelve- to fourteen-year-old lacrosse players from Medfield beat the players from Dover-Sherborn in a tight, 12-8 game that...

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Town baseball prepares for season return

Will we see this picture again, with a "2021 Champions" banner lying across the front of it? The Orioles sure felt that was a possibility.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

“I think we’ll go 17-0, as long as we actually get to play seventeen...

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‘DSMS Zoomsical’ held as drive-in movie

Cars were staggered in the parking lot, so you could see the screen without one directly in front of you to block your view.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

With COVID-19 shutting down any chance for large groups of people to gather together in...

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Raiders roll over Millis for win

Dover-Sherborn’s defense caused all sorts of problems for Millis, who ended the game with 27 turnovers.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

With five and a half minutes left in the third quarter, the Dover-Sherborn boys basketball team led Millis, 36-27, in a...

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