The Dover-Sherborn Summer Drama program, in its 17th year, will present the hilarious, family-friendly interactive dinner theater show, “Who’s Dying to be a Millionaire” from August 13st - 24th at 6:30 pm at the Sherborn Community Center (SCC). Student actors from grade 6-12 will serve up this engaging whodunit along with a three course...
First day of 350 years
By Riley Fontana
Hometown Weekly Reporter
Sherborn kicked off both the first day of 2024 and its 350th-anniversary celebration with fire pits and community camaraderie. The Committee to Celebrate Sherborn’s 350th Anniversary, in collaboration with numerous local organizations, orchestrated the event with the aim of providing warmth...
Big Fish at SCC
By Audrey Anderson
Hometown Weekly Reporter
The Dover-Sherborn Summer Drama Program presented the lively Broadway musical “Big Fish” at the Sherborn Community Center (SCC) from August 23 to August 26. The show featured a talented cast of over 30 performers and a live orchestra, and was performed...
Dover-Sherborn presents “Big Fish”
By Amanda Christy Brown
Parent Volunteer
The acclaimed Broadway production, "BIG FISH," an enchanting musical odyssey, is set to grace the Sherborn Community Center stage from August 23rd to August 26th. This captivating musical, centered around family, is a collaborative endeavor, featuring multiple sets of siblings in...
Sherborn children sing and swing
By Julia Beauregard
Hometown Weekly Correspondent
Sherborn locals recently took their little ones to the Sherborn Community Center on a snowy
morning to learn about wintertime with local children's entertainer Deb Hudgins.
Hudgins taught the children through winter-themed songs, such as “Jingle Bells” and “Rudolph
The Red-Nosed Reindeer”, just to name a few. The kids danced and frolicked...
Kids jump for joy at music hour
By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff
Rainy days were made sunnier when Deb Hudgins visited the Sherborn Community Center last Thursday, entertaining children with songs and energetic dance.
Deb Hudgins of Deb’s Sing and Swing has been working with preschoolers since she was a teen at the YMCA....