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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Trails Committee welcomes uptick in hikers

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

While Walpole has always had a beautiful set of trails available to the public, there has never been an impetus for residents that aren’t already hikers to set out and explore them. Because of the coronavirus crisis, suddenly, that has changed. Now, more people...

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KoC stays charitable despite COVID struggles

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Like many groups in America, the Knights of Columbus (KoC) are facing new challenges because of COVID-19 and the social distancing rules enacted because of it. But while the inability to meet in groups, hold functions, recruit potential members during Mass, and engage in...

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MIAA spring season officially cancelled

By Mike Flanagan
Hometown Weekly Sports Editor

Governor Baker announced on April 21 that all K-12 schools and non emergency childcare programs will remain closed until at least the end of the school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes all public, private and charter schools in the state of Massachusetts (MIAA, ISL,...

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Harrington, Westwood lacrosse remain optimistic

By Mike Flanagan,
Hometown Weekly Sports Editor -

It’s normally the time of year in Westwood when spring sports are getting into full swing. The COVID-19 pandemic has prevented sports, such as boys and girls lacrosse, baseball and softball, from starting their respective 2020 seasons. The MIAA is currently...

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Westwood’s Viti releases ‘Going Too Fast’

“Going Too Fast,” Westwood author Lynne Viti’s debut work of fiction, was released on March 31 by Finishing Line Press of Lexington, KY. This collection of short stories and flash fiction takes the reader back to the 1960's and '70's and the adolescence and early adulthood of women in that era. Catholic school,...

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Students share music with Westwood seniors

With the Senior Center closed until June 1 and town events cancelled, local students and teachers are looking for new ways to share music with Westwood’s seniors. Music Matters, a music appreciation program that was scheduled to take place at the Senior Center, has moved online to a YouTube channel for the remainder...

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Library announces Westwood Reads Together, Apart

The Westwood Public Library is launching a new initiative, Westwood Reads Together, Apart: The 12 in 12 Book Challenge, inviting everyone in the community to join them in reading 12 books in 12 weeks, or 1 book each week until July 5.

As we continue to practice social isolation, it...

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Wellesley baseball responding to the call

By Mike Flanagan,
Hometown Weekly Sports Editor -

Wellesley High School varsity baseball has been the cream of the crop in the Bay State Conference for the better part of the last decade. Reigning champions of the Carey Division, the Raiders were set to have another strong season this...

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Wellesley Recreation stuck playing waiting game

By James Kinneen,
Hometown Weekly Reporter -

When local families are looking for something to do, Wellesley Recreation has traditionally been a go-to resource. However, because of the coronavirus, the department has had to adapt and change in the face of the new rules on social distancing and an increased need...

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Students seek senior ‘virtual pen-pals’

Wellesley High School junior Nate Poresky and a group of friends are looking to connect with local seniors as virtual pen-pals to reduce isolation and boredom. Individuals who would like to be matched to correspond with a local student and share their words of wisdom are asked to email an introduction to Nate...

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NRC, WCC ready City Nature Challenge

This April 22 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. In typical years, there are scheduled events throughout the month of April designed to educate about the environment, celebrate the planet, and bring people together outdoors. This year, due to COVID and social distancing regulations, many events for Earth Month have had to...

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MassBay collecting Student Emergency Fund donations

MassBay Community College Foundation is currently requesting donations to help support the Student Emergency Grant Fund, which assists students with outside college expenses so they can continue their education, during the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. MassBay students who apply for this funding typically use the money to pay for books and other classroom...

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Rotarians to raise restaurant funds

As a result of the coronavirus, the Rotary Club of Wellesley's annual Taste of Wellesley fundraiser has been cancelled. Consequently, in consideration with the club’s mission, the Rotarians hope to help support the local businesses in town who have graciously supported the club fundraising events in the past.

The Rotary...

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This Old Town: These are the Times that Try Men’s Souls

It is during periods of darkness and times of crisis that we see common, everyday people step forward to show courage and work to get us out of that crisis. They rise to the challenge. They clearly are heroes. So it is during the current coronavirus crisis; doctors, nurses, medical personnel of every...

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Cosolito, Medfield lacrosse holding out hope

By Mike Flanagan,
Hometown Weekly Sports Editor -

It’s normally the time of year in Medfield when spring sports are getting into full swing. The COVID-19 pandemic has prevented sports, such as boys and girls lacrosse, baseball and softball, from starting their 2020 seasons. The MIAA is currently planning...

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Food Cupboard faces shortages, spearheads drive

Since the onset of the COVID crisis, the Medfield Food Cupboard has worked diligently and successfully to continue its mission of providing supplemental and emergency food to Medfield residents in need. 

Now six weeks into the quarantine, the Food Cupboard is facing a shortage of several essential shelf stable food...

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Sustainability Alliance encourages Earth Day observance

It’s Earth Week this week, with April 22 marking the 50th Earth Day. The Medfield Sustainability Alliance is encouraging individuals to celebrate with activities around home that promote the health of the planet. One suggested activity is to make a sign with the hashtags #EarthDay2020 and #MedfieldLovesEarth and put it in a visible...

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‘Sherborn Walks’ a social-distancing must-read

By James Kinneen,
Hometown Weekly Reporter -

While most businesses are in significant financial trouble, a few are flourishing because of the coronavirus crisis. But while you’d have to be a psychic, an epidemiologist, or a certain couple of United States senators to have seen the shutdown coming and profited...

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Park and Rec departments adapt to virus

By James Kinneen,
Hometown Weekly Reporter -

In the face of the coronavirus crisis, every government department is adapting in some way. But when your services are in large part based around bringing people together, you need to adapt even more. Such is the case for Sherborn Recreation and Dover...

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