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Tag Archives: Needham

School Committee holds virtual open house

While this tent was great for social distancing, because it can’t handle snow, it’s not going to be much help in the near future.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Now three months into the hybrid system of learning, on Saturday, the Needham School Committee...

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Hometown Weekly voters head to polls

A Biden supporter stands just outside of the senior center on Ice House Road.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

While record numbers of Bay Staters voted in the November 3 election by mail due to COVID-19, scores of voters still headed to the polls...

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Jeff Sneider scoops Hollywood in Needham

Despite remaining in Needham during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sneider has been able to keep in contact with his sources.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Needham doesn’t have many connections to the bright lights of Hollywood. Last year, a Chris Evans movie was filmed in...

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Town hosts drive-through pumpkin display

A family points out which of the carved pumpkins is their favorite from the safety of their car.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

They say that in the 1950s, people fell so in love with the idea of having a car and were so...

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Foliage brings crowds to Echo Bridge

While too dangerous for my tastes, a couple did find a very interesting spot to relax near Echo Bridge.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

You know when you watch the Masters, and right before Tiger is about to win the green jacket with a...

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Needham and Walpole happy to play

While the mask etiquette wasn’t perfect, every player wore a mask throughout the game (as was required).

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Just a few months ago, people would say that they’d be happy to watch their team lose to its biggest rival just...

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BAYS soccer returns amid pandemic

With players not allowed to head the ball, things can get a bit strange when the ball is in the air.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

With a wide variety of rule changes coming to Massachusetts high school soccer, on Saturday afternoon, the Needham...

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Reservoir shows signs of normalcy

It wasn’t a huge fish, but this family did successfully catch one.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Last week, people across three New Jersey counties were convinced that they had seen a UFO. Videos were taken, tweets were sent out, and amateur UFO hunters...

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Enviously hiking the Charles River Peninsula

Almost all of the boats opted to head away from, rather than towards the South Street Bridge.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

You know when you take young children to the beach, and you play with them in the creek or along the waterline...

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Greene’s Field playground hosts story walk

A family enjoys reading 'New Shoes for Silvia,' the second book on the story walk.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Story walks are a newly-popular way to get kids outside, get kids exercise, and get kids to read, all at once. Essentially, pages from...

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Purple Heart ceremony happens despite COVID

Dana Storrs made sure to mention the people of Lebanon, just days after the large explosion in Beirut.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Last Thursday afternoon, Needham honored the town’s veterans who received the Purple Heart, one day before National Purple Heart Recognition Day....

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Anderson homer leads Needham over Walpole

With the dry weather at Braintree High, dirt kicked up all over the field.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

The NBA is playing in a “bubble” inside of Disney World, Major League Baseball loses what seems like a game a week due to positive...

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Town grapples with alleged profiling incident

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Saturday January 25, Marvin Henry was handcuffed outside of Starbucks, after being suspected of attempting to shoplift from the Highland Street CVS. His lawyers from Lawyers for Civil Rights Boston released a letter on July 20 accusing Needham PD of unlawful search and seizure,...

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Stephenson’s shutout gives Needham fourth win

Stephenson’s sidearm style flummoxes Westwood’s batters en route to a complete game shutout.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Sunday night, the rain fell on Needham High’s baseball field, but not enough to warrant stopping or cancelling the game between Needham and Westwood. Unfortunately...

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Keating, VFW reach out to flag burners

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

The line between protesting and indiscriminate vandalism is blurring with every passing day. After bringing down only statues devoted to Confederate leaders, quickly the razor-sharp focus of statue topplers expanded to include the likes of Christopher Columbus, conquistadors, police chiefs they deemed racist, slave-holding Union...

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Data breach causes unemployment fraud surge

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Looking at the Needham police log, it’s hard not to notice that all of a sudden one specific crime is taking over the community: unemployment fraud. There are a couple of reasons for this, but none of them involve anything unique to the town of...

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Citizens take to newly opened playgrounds

This man praised the shade Cricket Playground provides on a hot day.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

With a handful of parks and recreational fields opening last weekend, Needham residents were out and about doing a wide variety of activities, just before two massive...

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Out and about at Kendrick Pond

A man fishes with a family of (invasive) mute swans in the background.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

It was hot on Saturday, June 6. Really, really hot. And I had to hike around the Blue Heron Trail at Cutler Park before the rain...

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Social Distance Files: Hemlock Gorge

A guitar player practices his craft in the shadow of Echo Bridge.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

I went to buy cigarettes (for my mom, not that it matters) this week, and the person behind the counter asked: “you’re 21, aren’t you?”...

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Kids’ dandelion business takes off

By Amelia Tarallo
Hometown Weekly Staff

One of the biggest struggles of quarantine is the unending obstacle of making sure kids are constantly entertained. For some, it’s as easy as handing them a tablet and letting them disappear into a plethora of apps or watching a number of streaming services....

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