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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Social Distance Files: walking in Wellesley

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Friday afternoon, I was driving seventy miles per hour and cars were passing me like I was standing still. Whether it's the historic lack of traffic, the new age demographics of who is (and isn’t) leaving their home, or everyone wanting to spend as...

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WHJWC encourages support of organizations

In light of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic shutdown, the Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club (WHJWC) is asking its supporters to give to two organizations, both of which the club has had a long-standing relationship with: The Second Step and Family Promise MetroWest (FPMW).

The Second Step works...

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Basketball All-Scholastics, All Stars announced

By Mike Flanagan
Hometown Weekly Sports Editor

The Boston Globe announced recently recognized its 2019-2020 class of All-Scholastic and conference All-Star recipients. 

From Dover-Sherborn, junior point guard Evan Skeary was named a TVL All-Star. Skeary will be a returning captain for his senior season next winter. 

Veterans Memorial engraving veterans bricks

The Walpole Veterans Memorial, located on the grounds of Walpole VFW Post 5188 on Robbins Rd, will be engraving veterans bricks in time for Memorial Day 2020. The Walpole Veterans Memorial is individuals who have yet to see it are encouraged to do so, as it is well worth a visit.

The mysterious disappearance of Leonora Piper

By Bill Lombardi
Hometown Weekly Contributor

In the early 1900s, people worked long, hard hours, and with the lack of nutrition and medicine, life expectancy was short. Many turned to spiritualism for consolation. It became very popular and a large number of psychics were exposed as frauds. 


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K of C awarding educational grants

The Walpole Knights of Columbus Council will award two educational grants - $600 for 1st place and $500 for 2nd place - to a Walpole resident who is completing the eight grade in 2020 and will be attending a Catholic high school during the 2020 academic year. The award will be based on...

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Basketball All-Scholastics, All Stars announced

By Mike Flanagan
Hometown Sports Editor

The Boston Globe announced recently recognized its 2019-2020 class of All-Scholastic and conference All-Star recipients. 

From Dover-Sherborn, junior point guard Evan Skeary was named a TVL All-Star. Skeary will be a returning captain for his senior season next winter. 

Food Pantry independently operates during crisis

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

With the coronavirus crisis suddenly playing an outsized role in so many people’s lives, many are looking to the government for financial help. Whether it's in the form of stimulus checks coming to citizens or the bailout money coming to businesses, large numbers of Americans...

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Annual town election rescheduled

The annual town election has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 26

In response to the passage of Chapter 45 of the Acts of 2020, “An Act Granting Authority to Postpone 2020 Municipal Elections in the Commonwealth and Increase Voting Options in Response to the Declaration of Emergency to Respond to...

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School Committee hosting virtual open house

The School Committee will host a virtual open house on Saturday, April 18, from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m., to provide an opportunity for parents and community members to meet and speak informally with their School Committee representatives. An invitation to join the open house virtually will be available prior to the open...

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MHS Student Council opens inspiring Instagram

Taking inspiration from John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” YouTube channel, the Medfield High School Student Council has decided to spread some good news. They will be spreading positivity throughout Medfield on their Instagram (@medfield_fans) with local stories from the town's own good samaritans.

Throughout the quarantine, individuals with stories they...

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New Life running with virtual 5K

The pandemic has affected every community event this spring, including the annual New Life 5K Trail Run, an event that raises more than 20 percent of the New Life Furniture Bank’s budget. This Massachusetts charity serves nearly 700 hundred households every year, including individuals, families, single mothers, seniors and veterans, as they come...

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HESSCO seeks Meals on Wheels drivers

HESSCO Elder Services is appealing to Medfield, Norfolk, Sharon, Walpole and Westwood residents for volunteers interested in becoming drivers for its Meals on Wheels program. This program, which delivers prepared meals to homebound elders, is in search of volunteers to contribute approximately one hour per day to elders who would have difficulties getting...

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Medfield TV steps up during pandemic

By Amelia Tarallo
Hometown Weekly Staff

As the weeks of shutdowns and self-isolation go on, Medfield TV continues to serve the community, while providing them with additional programming and services to help them get through these difficult times.

While Medfield TV has made this transition seem easy, its...

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Despite pandemic, Unity Farm’s mission continues

By Amelia Tarallo
Hometown Weekly Staff

Humans aren't the only ones whose lives have been altered by the coronavirus.

While many shelters and humane societies are trying to adapt amid the COVID-19 crisis, Sherborn’s Unity Farm Sanctuary has had to find the best way to operate without their...

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Basketball All-Scholastics, All Stars announced

By Mike Flanagan
Hometown Weekly Sports Editor

The Boston Globe announced recently recognized its 2019-2020 class of All-Scholastic and conference All-Star recipients. 

From Dover-Sherborn, junior point guard Evan Skeary was named a TVL All-Star. Skeary will be a returning captain for his senior season next winter. 

ScienceTellers program to be presented online

On Wednesday, April 22, from 2-2:45 p.m., the Dover Town Library will host an online Zoom program for all ages, ScienceTellers: Aliens!

This online event will give viewers a front-row seat to all of the spectacular effects, complete with requests for predictions and even some special highlights from the audience....

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Sherborn moves town meeting, postpones election

Sherborn Interim Town Clerk Jacklyn R. Morris has announced that on April 2, the Sherborn Select Board voted to move the Annual Town Meeting from Tuesday, April 28, to Tuesday, June 16. The location and time will be at Lindquist Commons at 7 p.m. at the Dover-Sherborn Regional School complex, as with past...

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Pet rescues face COVID challenges

By Amelia Tarallo

Hometown Weekly Staff

Many events, activities, and businesses have been closed as a result of the COVID-19. While most people seem to be aware of the things that affect their day-to-day life, the absence of some other services may have gone completely unnoticed to...

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MIAA approves cutoffs, amends tournament structure

By Mike Flanagan

Hometown Weekly Sports Editor

The MIAA Board of Directors and Tournament Management Committee (TMC) met via conference call on April 6 to discuss the potential structure of spring athletic tournaments. 

“The understanding is clear by the association and its members that...

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