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Tag Archives: Westwood

Hometown Weekly voters head to polls

A Biden supporter stands just outside of the senior center on Ice House Road.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

While record numbers of Bay Staters voted in the November 3 election by mail due to COVID-19, scores of voters still headed to the polls...

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Westwood battles against invasive plants

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

While everyone in the country is terrified that the Asian Giant Hornet, sometimes referred to as the “murder hornet,” is coming to a backyard near them, Westwood is dealing with its own invasive species originally hailing from the Far East. Japanese knotweed and oriental bittersweet,...

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Westwood BAYS girls power through pandemic

A Jaguar pounces on the ball en route to a 4-1 win over Franklin.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Motivated by their team motto, “dreams don’t work unless you do,” on Saturday morning, the Westwood Jaguars, the fifth grade girls team of Boston Area...

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Recognize a Youth winners honored

All the RAY award recipients pose for a group photo at the outdoor ceremony.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Tuesday night in front of the Westwood Town Hall, the Rotary Club of Westwood and Westwood Youth & Family Services honored this year’s four recipients...

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Westwood hosts NFL Flag Football League

A nice 'tackle' by the Philadelphia Eagles’ defensive back.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Even before COVID-19 put a stop to a variety of football leagues, flag football was a growing sport for those concerned about their children receiving head trauma playing traditional football,...

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Westwood Recreation hosts dodgeball game

After months of dodging the coronavirus via staying indoors, the kids let loose with some dodgeball.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

With kids having been cooped up all summer due to the lockdowns, and most gym classes either being jumping-jacks in front of a...

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Pheasant Hill Park protects endangered flowers

Unlike the lady slippers, these signs were both highly visible and numerous.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Have you ever seen an endangered species of either plant or animal life in the wild?

Before you answer, know that despite what...

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Trustees hold guided beaver-spotting hike

The group spots the beaver while the guide attempts a photograph.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

After the adults had drank their beer and the kids had eaten their chips and run around the field, Trustees tour guide Susan Eastland delivered the crushing words...

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Westwood soccer preps for unique season

While they didn’t have enough players for a full game, it was an impressive showing for a Sunday morning before a Patriots game.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Watch any sport in America and you will hear the commentators noting how fascinatingly different the...

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No bites at Buckmaster Pond

This young man with his cut up hot dogs didn’t manage to catch anything all day.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

I’ve never seen anyone catch a real fish at Buckmaster Pond. While I’ve been there a handful of times and have never seen...

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School committee provides collective bargaining update

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Thursday night, the Westwood School Committee met to both announce the results of collective bargaining with the teacher’s association regarding the fall school reopening, and to decide whether they would allow teachers' children to attend school in person four days a week.

Outdoor yoga raises money for Beirut

While the heat kept some older yogis away, the crowd was sizable.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

While many people saw the footage of the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, with the United States dealing with civil unrest, COVID-19 and a fast-approaching presidential election, its...

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Town clerk ensuring voting goes smoothly

Westwood’s ballot dropbox sits in front of the police station.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

For as much as people fight about politics on social media, not many eligible voters actually vote and even fewer understand how the voting process works. But because voter...

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Commane explains water restriction mandate

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Westwood is currently under increased, mandatory outside watering restrictions due to a lack of rainfall and the shutting off of Well Five. In Westwood, you can now only water your lawn on Tuesdays from 6-9 a.m., and from 6-9 p.m. - although you can use...

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School Committee votes for hybrid model

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Unsurprisingly, last Thursday evening, the Westwood School Committee unanimously voted to adopt the “hybrid” school opening model for the fall. But while they thoroughly outlined why this was the best choice and how the system would work, when it came time for community comments, it...

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Chief Silva answers town’s policing questions

An image of the Westwood BLM rally was superimposed over the night’s two main speakers as an introduction page.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

With so much discussion about law enforcement in America, it is natural that people want to do what they can to...

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Stephenson’s shutout gives Needham fourth win

Stephenson’s sidearm style flummoxes Westwood’s batters en route to a complete game shutout.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Sunday night, the rain fell on Needham High’s baseball field, but not enough to warrant stopping or cancelling the game between Needham and Westwood. Unfortunately...

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Westwood leans toward hybrid reopening model

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

When discussing the emails she has received regarding how to reopen Westwood’s schools in the fall, Carol Lewis acknowledged: “based on the emails, we have received, it’s clear there are conflicting views on this topic and that there is no way we are ever going...

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Playgrounds and recreation courts reopen

While many kids were out on the playgrounds and courts, his premature status as a baby kept Jack Spinello homebound on his first birthday.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

With the playing fields and recreational playgrounds of Westwood opening this weekend, the question arose...

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Lily pads, trash litter Lyman’s Pond

From certain angles, Lyman’s Pond looks more like a golf course than a body of water.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

I have a weird obsession with hermits. My favorite hermit story is that until the early 1800’s, wealthy families would employ “garden hermits”...

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