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Recent Posts by Madison Butkus

Holiday Gift Wrap-a-thon at the SPL

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Returning for its fifth year, the Sherborn Public Library (SPL) hosted a Holiday Gift Wrap-a-thon on Tuesday, December 19th and Wednesday, December 20th. All were welcome to bring their gifts to wrap as well as enjoy some other fun activities. 

COA hosts annual holiday luncheon

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Wednesday, December 20th, the Westwood Council on Aging (COA) hosted their annual holiday luncheon at the Norfolk Country Club. This event was hosted by the Friends of the Westwood COA and packed a full house of Westwood seniors! 

Gingerbread joy at the RRC

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Families and friends gathered together on Saturday, December 16th at the Rosemary 

Recreation Complex (RRC) to partake in a Gingerbread House Decorating Activity. This event, run by Needham Parks and Recreation, welcomed all those Needhamites who wanted to...

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Weihnachtskonzert at the BSV

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Sunday, December 17th the Walpole German American Club, Boylston Schul-Verein (BSV), hosted Weihnachtskonzert: A Christmas Concert of German Carols with English Introductions. Registration opened up weeks before the event and they had a completely sold out show. 

Severe storm chaos 

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Powerful wind guests brought in by the storm that hit Massachusetts this past Monday, December 18th turned out to be way worse than most of us imagined it would be. According to CBS News Boston, downed trees and power lines lead...

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A festive feast at Powisset Farm

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

The Westwood and Dover Council’s on Aging (COA) joined together once again this past Thursday, December 14th at Powisset Farm to learn how to host the perfect holiday gathering. Chef Thi put together this special class that featured both hand-on experiences...

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Sherborn hosts joyful Hanukkah celebration

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

In honor of the start of Hanukkah on December 7th, the Sherborn Library hosted a Menorah Lighting on the evening of  Monday, December 11th. All were welcome to come and light the Menorah as well as enjoy some light refreshments afterwards. 

Lions Club hosts annual Christmas party

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter 

Seniors were in for a special Christmas treat on Sunday, December 10th as the Medfield Lions hosted their annual Christmas Party at The Center in Medfield. Everyone gathered in their very festive Christmas apparel to enjoy a delicious lunch served by...

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WYWC spreads holiday magic

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Sunday, December 10th, the Westwood Young Women’s Club (WYWC) hosted a festive event at the gazebo just outside the Westwood Council on Aging. Despite the threat of rain, the weather held off, providing a perfect opportunity for families and their...

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Spaghetti and Snowballs at MHS

By Madison Butkus 

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Returning for the first time since 2019, The Medfield Music Association (MMA) held their holiday fundraiser dinner, now named “Spaghetti and Snowballs,” at Medfield High School (MHS) this past Tuesday, December 5th. There were two different seating times throughout the night,...

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Festive seasoning fun at the COA

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

The smell of winter and the holiday season filled the air in the Westwood Council on Aging (COA) this past Monday, December 4th, as they held a Make Your Own Festive Seasoning event. This workshop was hosted by Therapy Gardens who...

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WPL’s festive movie magic

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Friday, December 8th, Walpole students experienced an early dismissal, prompting the Walpole Public Library (WPL) to graciously organize an Early Release Day Movie showing. Families and friends gathered at the library to enjoy the popular Christmas movie, The Polar Express.

Eco-friendly craft workshop at Sherborn Library 

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

The Sherborn Library recently hosted a Recycled Sweater Mitten Workshop where participants could transform any sweater into a cozy pair of mittens. This hands-on and eco-friendly crafting experience was completely free of charge and all were welcome to attend. 

Line dancing party at the COA

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Friday, December 8th, the Walpole Council on Aging (COA) organized a Line Dance Party, encouraging participants to engage in physical activity. Lestyn Gilmore served as the instructor for the afternoon, motivating everyone to get on their feet.

DTL has Hands on Nature

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Little ones enjoyed an engaging and educational experience on Monday, November 27th, as Hands on Nature visited the Dover Town Library (DTL) to discuss contemporary big predators. Heather Simpson, a representative from Hands on Nature, delivered a PowerPoint presentation highlighting various...

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Tech bias unveiled: Broussard’s insights

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Sponsored by the Cary Library Foundation, the Needham Free Public Library (NFPL) hosted an online Zoom event with author Meredith Broussard. During this time, Broussard discussed her most recent book, “More than a Glitch: Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability Bias in...

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All Strings Considered entertain the COA

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Hoping to bring some festive holiday spirit to local seniors, the Westwood Council on Aging (COA) hosted their annual Holiday Concert and Luncheon this past Thursday, November 7th. Members from the Westwood High School String Quartet, All Strings Considered, provided some...

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ICON celebrates Diwali

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter 

In honor of Diwali, the Indian Community of Needham (ICON) hosted a celebration on Saturday, November 18th, in the town of Dedham. This annual event reached its maximum capacity of 260 people, with ICON members gathering at St. John of Damascus...

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Intergenerational gift wrapping at the COA

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Seniors were in luck this holiday season as members from the Westwood Girl Scouts dropped by the Westwood Council on Aging (COA) to help wrap presents for any who needed it. Members of the Westwood COA were welcome to bring any...

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Westwood holds first Holiday Walkabout

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

For the first time in history, Westwood Artists, First Parish of Westwood, and the First Baptist Church of Westwood collaborated to organize their annual December fairs on the same day. All three locations featured local artists, artisans, crafters, food, and a...

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