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Tag Archives: westwood public library

Families flock to Free Play Friday

By Julia Beauregard

Hometown Weekly Editor

Families with children of all ages were invited to drop by the Westwood Public Library (WPL) for Free Play Friday, which took place the first three Friday’s of summer vacation. Within the Children’s Programming Room at the WPL, the library provided...

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Toddlers Jam at WPL 

by Elizabeth Connolly

Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Wednesday, June 13th, dozens of children and caretakers flocked to Westwood Public Library (WPL) for Toddler Jam Time with Sarah Gardner, an energetic 45 minute program designed just for little musicians. “I like to think of it as band practice,”...

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Seniors present spring art exhibit 

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

The Westwood Public Library happily hosted the Westwood Council on Aging seniors for their Spring Art Exhibit, ‘Creative Inspirations.’ On Thursday, June 8th, all were welcome to enjoy some light refreshments while taking in the amazing artwork done by local Westwood...

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Annual book sale at the WPL

By Audrey Anderson

Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Saturday, June 10, the Friends of the Westwood Public Library held a fun book sale on the second floor of the main library. Friendly volunteers greeted shoppers and helped them to find books in their areas of interest. Children’s books...

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Author discusses recent novel at WPL

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Author William Landay returned for his second appearance at the Westwood Public Library on Wednesday, May 31st. Landay discussed, to a room full of fans, his most recent novel, ‘All That Is Mine, I Carry With Me.’ 


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Masscribes moves hands through time

By Madison Butkus
Hometown Weekly Reporter

While the world has definitely become more tech-savvy, one cannot forget the importance of the written word. To shed some light on this topic, Masscribes - New England Calligraphy Organization, hosted the ‘Hands Through Time: A Calligraphy Alphabet Journey’ event at the Westwood Public Library...

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Westwood kids enjoy “Blissful” music

by Elizabeth Connolly
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Westwood Public Library (WPL) was full of bliss last Thursday evening when musician Evan Haller of “Music at the Blissful” regaled local children with stories, songs, and dancing.

The event, which was sponsored by the Friends of WPL, included over 45 minutes...

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Jane Healy discusses new novel

By Audrey Anderson
Hometown Weekly Correspondent

On Wednesday, April 12, at the Islington Branch of the Westwood Public Library, author Jane Healy discussed her March 2023 release, Goodnight from Paris. She presented an informative slide show of characters and scenes from her novel and then answered questions from the audience.

Musician brings Celtic history to WPL

By Julia Beauregard
Hometown Weekly Editor

Westwood community members were transported to the Celtic lands through the tunes and tales relayed by the talented multi-instrumentalist, Jeff Snow.
“This afternoon, we’re going to touch on all of the Celtic land.. We don’t leave any of it out!” The performer told the crowd. Snow...

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Illusionist Dillies wows at WPL 

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Westwood seniors added a bit of magic to their week with a show by master illusionist Lyn Dillies. Performing at the Westwood Public Library, Dillies gave an overview of her life through magic. With heartfelt stories and impressive magic tricks, Dillies...

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WPL announces Youth Poet Laureate application

Westwood’s inaugural Poet Laureate, Lynne Viti and the Westwood Public Library have announced that applications for the position of the Town of Westwood Youth Poet Laureate opened on March 10th, 2023 and continue until April 7, 2023. This is a newly created position, established on February 27 by the...

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Author visits hometown on book tour

By Julia Beauregard
Hometown Weekly Correspondent

Westwood native Meghan Joyce Tozer recently returned home to make a special stop at Westwood Public Library while on tour for her debut novel, “Night, Forgotten”.

The book is a psychological thriller that discusses themes of family trauma, generational trauma, and the...

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Local poets hone their craft

By Julia Beauregard
Hometown Weekly Contributor

Local poets convened within the walls of the Westwood Public Library conference room this past
Tuesday, January 17, for a bi-weekly meeting. The group runs from September to May,
providing a place for both seasoned and aspiring poets alike to read and critique one another's
work in a safe and supportive environment.


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Westwood kids explore LEGO robotics

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff

Students of Westwood High’s Robotics First Robotics Competition (FRC) team 1757, the Wolverines, recently introduced children in grades three to five to LEGO robotics. One of many
STEAM groups held at the Westwood Public Library, FRC's students were happy to spend time
sharing their passion and knowledge with the community.

Students introduced...

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Birdhouse exhibit lands at library

By Diana Holiner
Hometown Weekly Correspondent

When you think of your middle school wood shop class, the most common project that probably comes to mind is the birdhouse. 

For the Westwood father-daughter team of Nima and Mina, the birdhouse turned into more than just a one-time project. 

Riley’s ‘People and Places’ lands at WPL 

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff

Westwood Public Library has become an excellent locale for local art lovers; the space houses many art exhibits on its lobby’s walls by the meeting room and conference room. These exhibits allow the community to appreciate the creative ingenuity coming from their neighbors.

Library brings cookies, cocoa and crafts 

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff

Westwood locals had an alternative to waiting in long lines for Black Friday shopping — in the interest of giving, many took a sentimental route and visited the Westwood Public Library for an afternoon of gift-wrapping and crafting at Cookies, Cocoa and Crafts. The programming...

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Goldman, seniors present library art exhibit

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff

The Westwood Public Library is a hub of creativity. Children and adults alike mill about in their free time, finding books that interest them and topics that inspire. 

The library, though, is also known to have a myriad of offerings for those...

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Westwood bakes bread at library

By Cameron Small
Hometown Weekly Correspondent

The Westwood Library, with the support of the Friends of the Library, recently partnered with Forge Baking Company of Somerville to bring sourdough bread to the Westwood community last Wednesday, November 2. The class was taught by Forge Baking Co-Head Baker Jojo Emerson. Emerson is...

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Artist duo exhibits at library

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff

Art has a way of connecting people unlike anything else, but artists George Connelly and Paul Cornacchini, have taken it to another level.

Connelly and Cornacchini share canvases and work in tandem to create incredibly detailed portraits. The duo, known professionally as...

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