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Tag Archives: westwood public library

Yoga Nidra brings reflections to WPL

By Julia Beauregard

Hometown Weekly Editor

Recently, the Friends of the Westwood Public Library (WPL) hosted yoga instructor Susie Masters. Masters is a E- R.Y.T (500) ,YACEP certified yoga instructor who came to the WPL to guide locals through a Yoga Nidra practice, welcoming guests to come...

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Amigurumi Crochet Workshop

By Audrey Anderson

Hometown Weekly Reporter

At the Westwood Public Library on January 22, Becca Heyman led a workshop on crocheting a small amigurumi kitty key chain. The term “amigurumi” is a combination of two Japanese words, “ami” which means “crocheted or knitted and “nugurime” which means...

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A paw-fect afternoon at WPL

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Westwood residents were in for a furry treat this past Thursday, January 18th, as the Islington Branch of the Westwood Public Library (WPL) hosted a therapy dog for all to come and play with. This therapy dog welcomed everyone to the...

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Milane discusses “Sixty Blades of Grass”

By Riley Fontana 

Hometown Weekly Reporter

The Westwood Public Library hosted author Elizabeth Millane on January 13 to discuss her book, "Sixty Blades of Grass." Millane, a first-time author, recounts her family's experiences during World War II in this historical fiction novel set in the Dutch Underground...

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Birds of Prey visit WPL

By Riley Fontana

Hometown Weekly Reporter

The Westwood Public Library (WPL) had a presentation on Birds of Prey from Wingmasters late last month. Wingmasters is a partnership dedicated to spreading knowledge about North American birds of prey. Wingmasters is made up of Julie Anne Collier and Jim...

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Westwood Robotics Team inspires STEAM enthusiasm 

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

The Westwood High School Robotics Team (FRC Team 1757) traveled to the Westwood Public Library (WPL) this past Friday, January 5th to teach a class to local 3rd-5th graders. This class was geared towards all things science, technology, engineering, art, and...

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WPL hosts poetry workshop 

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Newbie or Wannabe poets in the Westwood area were in luck this past month as the Islington Branch of the Westwood Public Library (WPL) hosted a workshop for all to come and enjoy. This workshop was broken up into two different...

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Teapots from around the world at WPL

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

It was all things teapots this past Saturday, October 14th, at the Westwood Public Library (WPL) as pottery expert, Rick Hamelin, showcased his talent for all in attendance. Adults gathered within the Community Room to learn how to make different teapots...

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Discovering Dahlia’s at the WPL

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

A breathtaking array of dahlias were set up within the Community Meeting Room at the Westwood Public Library (WPL) this past Saturday, September 30th. Run by the New England Dahlia Society (NEDS), members welcomed all those who wanted to learn more...

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Gaining a green thumb at the WPL

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

No matter if you had a “green thumb” or not, all were welcome to the Islington Branch of the Westwood Public Library to partake in an Herb Container Gardening program. This unique program allowed those who registered to pick and choose...

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WPL travels to Hogwarts

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Not only were kiddos able to go back to school but they were also able to go back to Hogwarts! On Thursday, September 14th, the Westwood Public Library (WPL) hosted a “Back to Hogwarts: A Harry Potter Celebration” night for all...

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Puppetry delights WPL

By Julia Beauregard
Hometown Weekly Editor

During the final days of summer vacation, Through Me to You Puppetry entertained children of all ages at the Westwood Public Library (WPL). The program encompassed puppet storytime, songs, and puppet freeplay for all attending children.

Leigh Baltzer, the puppeteer behind this...

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Meet the Children’s Librarian

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

As a special treat this week, Hometown Weekly Reporter Madison Butkus had the pleasure of sitting down with Westwood Public Library’s Children’s Librarian, Caitlyn Moore. Caitlyn details her time at the library, her favorite events to host, and some good book...

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Crafting connections at WPL

By Riley Fontana

Hometown Weekly Reporter

The Westwood Public Library (WPL) hosted a notebook-making event on August 29th in their community room, led by librarian Sean O'Donnell. It proved to be a delightful hands-on craft experience, resulting in unique creations for each attendee.


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Movie lovers venture into the great outdoors

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Movie lovers lucked out with a beautiful night to enjoy an outdoor movie. Hosted by the Westwood Public Library (WPL) and in partnership with Westwood Recreation, everyone was invited to come and enjoy the movie Top Gun: Maverick (rated PG-13). 

Dog Days of Summer at WPL

By Riley Fontana 

Hometown Weekly Reporter

The Westwood Public Library (WPL) concluded its "Dog Days of Summer" events on August 16. This event had been held earlier in the summer in July. The library extended invitations to therapy dogs, creating an opportunity for patrons to unwind and...

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Jungle Jim ventures to WPL

By Avonlea Cummings

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Opening the doors to the community room at the Westwood Public Library (WPL) screams of laughter busted out the doorway, welcoming in the pure joy of children from belly-rolling jokes brought by visitor Jungle Jim.

It was Jungle...

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Readers Digest soirée at WPL

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

This past Thursday, July 20th, the Westwood Public Library (WPL) hosted their monthly Readers Digest soirée. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Westwood Public Library and includes their very own Cookbook Club indulging in a community potluck. The...

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Bubble bonanza at WPL

By Elizabeth Connolly

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Despite being a particularly hot day, dozens of children gathered with their grown-ups at Westwood Public Library (WPL) last Monday, July 24th, to see Mr. Vinny’s Bubble Show. Mr. Vinny, a.k.a. Vinny Lovegrove, has been in the entertainment industry for over...

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Fireflies light up WPL

By Avonlea Cummings

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Thousands of creatures light up the night skies on dark humid summer nights, illuminating our backyards right before our eyes. Children and families of Westwood assembled at the Westwood Public Library (WPL) last Tuesday afternoon to learn about the magnificent insects...

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