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Monthly Archives: June 2020

Lily pads, trash litter Lyman’s Pond

From certain angles, Lyman’s Pond looks more like a golf course than a body of water.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

I have a weird obsession with hermits. My favorite hermit story is that until the early 1800’s, wealthy families would employ “garden hermits”...

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Van Duzer, Ivory Coast, and coronavirus

By Amelia Tarallo
Hometown Weekly Staff

Back in early March, life was pretty normal. Daily routines and simple errands were the same and mask free for most people. People were travelling as normal. The coronavirus was a far away problem in China, and was just starting to increase in Europe. Within...

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Summer reading starts at DTL

Summer reading has lauched at the Dover Town Library. From June 17th until August 27th, children and young adult are welcome to take part in this year's summer reading programs. Both programs will be done virtually this year due to Covid-19.

Rather than keep a physical paper log, children...

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Goenka sisters propel Wellesley Helps

Photo by Reshma Goenka

By Rama K. Ramaswamy

Wellesley residents Sanya Goenka (10th grade) and her sister, Sanah (6th grade), decided to "do their part" by organizing two projects called Help Educate and Help Thank Our Healthcare Heroes.

Help Educate is...

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Medfield water restrictions now tier 3

Effective immediately, water restrictions in Medfield have been raised to a Tier 3. This limits nonessential water-use to once a week before 9:00 a.m. and after 5 p.m. Even-numbered houses are permitted to use water for nonessential tasks on Mondays. Odd numbered houses are allowed to use water for nonessential tasks on Thursdays....

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Pie and Jack

Pie (right) and Jack (left) are owner surrenders from Virginia. They had been living in uncleanly conditions so a good samaritan took them in a few months ago. Unfortunately, she already had several dogs and her neighbors complained leading to the county forcing her to give away some of the dogs. We took...

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Chocolate Chip

It is heartbreaking to see a very senior dog like Chip end up in a shelter, so we hope his stay will be short. Chocolate Chip's tail wags, and his eyes light up when he sees that you are stopping to take him out for a walk. If you have treats, all the...

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Robert Harrington

Of Medfield, passed away in a fatal car accident on June 6, 2020. Bob was born on November 13, 1974 to Robert C. and Nancy L. (Dakin) Harrington. Beloved father to his “girls” Caroline, Madeline and Bethany.  Bob’s daughters were his life, they were his world. Bob also leaves behind his sister, Susan...

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Gregory Shesko

On Tuesday, June 16, 2020, Gregory John Shesko passed away at home with his wife and daughter present, exactly one month shy of his 77th birthday. Born in Brooklyn, New York, to Alexandria (Maskewich) and John Shesko, he lived most of his life in Needham, Massachusetts. He is survived by his wife Marilyn...

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MIBL brings back summer baseball

Pictured standing at second base following a double his junior year, Will Jarvis will suit up for Walpole Legion this summer in the MIBL for one final baseball season. Photo by Mike Flanagan.

By Mike Flanagan
Hometown Weekly Sports Editor

It's been a rough year...

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Rebels no more: Walpole changes mascot

On Thursday evening, the Walpole School Board voted unanimously (9-0) to change the high school's "Rebel" mascot. The decision comes two weeks after a petition was started to change the school's mascot amid racial tensions and worldwide Black Lives Matter protests. A counter petition was also started to keep the nickname.

COA tries to keep seniors engaged

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

There’s no question that, from a physical standpoint, COVID-19 hit the senior population the hardest. Unfortunately, with people being hesitant to visit their grandparents, seniors being hesitant to leave their homes knowing how hard it hits them, and the unfortunate reality of Massachusetts having lost...

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Bottled water for Colonial Water well customers

Bottled water is now available for pickup for residents who receive water from Colonial Water Company wells located on Draper Road, Francis Street, and Knollwood Drive. Customers can pickup water at 2 Dedham Street (the town garage) between 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. through out the weekend. Customers are currently limited to 3...

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Farm Pond opens

Farm Pond has opened for the summer today, Friday, June 19, at 9:00 a.m. In order to ensure the safety of everyone this summer, visitors are required to make a reservation to save a spot for their party of up to 8 or 10 people.

Visitors can make reservations...

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Dover BOH issues E. Coli update

The Dover Board of Health has issued an update for those affected by the Colonial Water wells located on Draper Road, Francis Street, and Knollwood Drive. The Dover Board of Health urges residents who are customers of Colonial Water Company and have experienced recent onset diarrhea, fever,...

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Former football stars back mascot change

While the mascot name encompassed most of the event, it did end with a kneeling moment of silence in remembrance of George Floyd.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

With Confederate statues toppling all over the country, schools being renamed, and even the most stereotypically...

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Farmer’s market opens with new protocols

There’s plenty of space and fresh air, making the farmer’s market perfect for the era of COVID-19.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Because of Massachusetts’ phased plan of reopening, as well as people’s discomfort with being in small, closed-in areas, it seems like every...

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Needham High students tackle racism

Protestors march through Needham Center towards the Town Hall. 

By Maddie Gerber
Hometown Weekly Intern

“My full name is Oluwatoni,” said recent NHS graduate Olu Ajayi, addressing the hundreds of black-clad Needhamites who were gathered on Memorial Field below her. “It’s said exactly as it’s...

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Richard Abecunas

Richard passed away unexpectedly on June 6, 2020, at the age of 67. Born in New Britain, CT, he was the son of the late Victor Abecunas and Joan Carlson. Richard is survived by his loving wife of 30 years Jean Nizinkirck, son Lee, daughter Cara, and his dog Missy. Richard is also...

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