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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Caregiving and COVID-19

Tips for people with vulnerable family members

(BPT) - COVID-19 has dramatically shifted daily life for many people around the world. Nobody is immune, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and older adults and individuals with chronic health conditions are at higher risk of getting very...

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First Baptist Church seeking artistic talent

First Baptist Church of Westwood is asking local artists to mark their calendars and begin to prepare. Once it is safe to do so, the church will invite people with artistic talent to join in a community assistance project. The idea is to decorate a shutter and support those in need. Here are...

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WHS football to the rescue

By Amelia Tarallo

Hometown Weekly Staff

As fears of COVID-19 loom over each community, many residents have been forced to deal with closures and the disruption of services that help them with their day to day life. Seniors in Westwood have been hit...

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Remote learning continues for Westwood students

Massachusetts students recently learned the process of remote learning will continue until at least May 4, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grip our nation. Westwood’s initial two-week closing called for teachers to only reinforce skills already taught during the 2019-2020 school year. With the extension of the mandatory school closures, the Massachusetts...

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Andie Sullivan celebrates, despite COVID-19

Westwood resident Andie Sullivan’s mom wouldn’t let COVID-19 and social distancing get in the way of celebrating her 12th birthday. Piling Andie and her siblings into their car, mom Patty took the birthday party on the road. Andie’s local neighbors did not disappoint, showing their support by waving and...

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Take a bow: ‘Silent Sky’

This spring's student mainstage production at Wellesley College was to have been Lauren Gunderson's "Silent Sky," about the real life women who mapped the stars (focusing on Henrietta Leavitt, but also featuring Wellesley College's own alumna Annie Jump Cannon). 

Food Pantry adapts to COVID-19

By James Kinneen

Hometown Weekly Reporter

With restaurants going to takeout only, grocery stores putting up shields of plastic to protect their employees from customers, and pharmacies placing tape on the ground to make sure people in line stand...

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WHJWC encourages support of organizations

In light of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic shutdown, the Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club (WHJWC) is asking its supporters to give to two organizations, both of which the club has had a long-standing relationship with: The Second Step and Family Promise MetroWest (FPMW).

Food Pantry adapts to COVID-19

By James Kinneen

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Watch the news these days and you’ll eventually stumble on someone fighting about coronavirus preparedness: who should’ve bought what, where funds should have been allocated, and what policies should have been enacted. Luckily for the people of Walpole, the Walpole Community...

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New Life running with virtual 5K

The pandemic has affected every community event this spring, including the annual New Life 5K Trail Run, an event that raises more than 20 percent of the New Life Furniture Bank’s budget. This Massachusetts charity serves nearly 700 hundred households every year, including individuals, families, single mothers, seniors and veterans, as they come...

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Medical Aid Fund invites applications

The best kept secret in the town of Walpole is the emergency medical aid fund that was established by Philip Allen in 1940. Mr. Allen was a long-time resident of Walpole and president of Bird and Sons, Inc, and he had a vision. When the fund was established there...

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NHS students stay social despite COVID-19

By Maddie Gerber 

Hometown Weekly Intern

It’s Thursday night and per usual, my friends and I are debating weekend plans in our group chat. 

Except nothing about this night is usual, nothing about this weekend will be usual, and our weekend plans certainly won’t...

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Post 2498 pitches in during pandemic

The Needham Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2498 recently volunteered to be a site for collecting personal protection equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers. Working with the Massachusetts National Guard and Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), the Post facility on Junction Street became a busy place as donations arrived from MEMA-approved organizations and were...

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Public Works announces coronavirus changes

The Town of Needham and Needham Public Works has announced that changes to the Needham Recycling and Transfer Station have gone into effect in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Some town services have been impacted as the town follows social distancing guidelines and reduces staff...

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A picture of NHS

"While I was walking this morning," wrote Lisa Vergara of Storytime Crafts, "I stumbled upon this school pencil delicately balanced on the high school main entrance railing and I couldn’t help but wonder what student may have placed it there and what they were thinking. It instantly hit me: the pencil, and the...

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Select Board postpones election, delays town meeting

The Select Board has voted to move the Annual Town Election, originally scheduled for April 14, to May 26, in order to accommodate social distancing guidelines and adhere to the governor’s orders limiting any gathering of more than 10 people.

The Select Board also voted to...

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Needham launches COVID-19 website

The Town of Needham has launched a new COVID-19 website, dedicated to providing up-to-date information and resources to the Needham community during the global coronavirus outbreak.

The new website includes daily updates from Needham Public Health, Monday through Friday; frequently asked questions; online tools; and links to important information and...

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Food Cupboard continues service through COVID

By James Kinneen

Hometown Weekly Reporter

With the economy taking a severe downturn and record high numbers of people unemployed, services that help the needy are becoming more and more vital every day. And, with the COVID-19 outbreak putting a new emphasis on social distancing, virtually every...

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HESSCO seeks Meals on Wheels drivers

HESSCO Elder Services is appealing to Medfield, Norfolk, Sharon, Walpole and Westwood residents for volunteers interested in becoming drivers for its Meals on Wheels program. This program, which delivers prepared meals to homebound elders, is in search of volunteers to contribute approximately one hour per day to elders who...

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MFi launches COVID-19 grant effort

As the local foundation serving the town, the Medfield Foundation, Inc. (MFi) has launched an effort to provide grants to residents who are experiencing significant financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The MFi Public Need Fund is the vehicle through which the Medfield...

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