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Coffeehouse to support Women’s Equality Day

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“And they decided to do something about it!” says a character in the musical “We Did It For You!”

But it could be a description of the women and men who formed the Medfield Huddle in February to address the rights of the oppressed and disenfranchised.

Since forming, this social justice group has written postcards, done Twitter storms on the proposed federal budget, and gathered healthcare stories for the recent Senate vote. Taking on a musical about women’s rights was a natural for the group.

Written by First Parish member Thea Iberall, “We Did It For You!” is a charming musical that tells of the struggles and triumphs women have undergone to get their basic rights in America. A high school student has a history project to figure out who has done the most for women of today, and she learns the answer from the women who were there. It is the ideal history lesson disguised as entertainment.

“I didn’t know learning could be so fun,” said one young girl while leaving the show.

"We Did It For You!" will be presented at the Expresso Yourself Coffeehouse on August 26 because it is Women’s Equality Day. The U.S. Congress designated this date as Women’s Equality Day in order to highlight the second-class status women have had in America. The date was selected to commemorate the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote. On the 50th anniversary of that famous amendment, Betty Friedan and the National Organization for Women called for the Women’s Strike for Equality and 50,000 people marched down the streets of New York.

One teacher said, “The play is an instructional gem.”

Paul Williams, the Oscar-winning songwriter, said: “Playwright Thea Iberall offers a multi century parade of feminine genius and courage, and does it with humor and fun. Your daughters must see this but, the men in your family will enjoy it too.”

Iberall is excited about having her play performed in Medfield. “It’s been performed in California where audiences have loved it, and I’m so glad the Medfield Huddle decided to take it on. They are a group dedicated to standing up for rights,” Iberall said. She added, “The Expresso Yourself Coffeehouse has been a great place to exchange thoughts and ideas on all sorts of subjects. I can’t wait to see what readers in the open mic have to say about equality.”

"We Did It For You!" will be shown August 26 from 7-9 p.m. at the Expresso Yourself Coffeehouse at First Parish, 26 North Street, Medfield. Tickets are $5. Students are $3. Refreshments from Starbucks will be served. Teens and adults are welcomed to participate in the open mic before the show, sharing stories, songs, or poetry on the theme of equality.

This presentation is supported in part by a grant from the Medfield Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.

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