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Sherborn dances the evening away

By Avonlea Cummings

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Music always brings a crowd together, everyone comes from different backgrounds with many unique stories to share, the chances of their world’s colliding are slim but in the heat of summer the instrumental sounds fill the air and lure in crowds from anywhere. Music can bring you joy, getting up to move your feet and dance the night away, or it can relax you and soothe to ensure a restful evening. No matter what, our community thrives off of music. 

This past Wednesday, July 26th the Sherborn Public Library hosted their final Summer Concert Series event on the local green, many frolicked to the scene with packed picnics and in high spirits for the local concert. The Wolff Sisters performance was much anticipated by the Sherborn community; the performance was originally slated to be the first performance of the Summer Concert Series, but due to poor weather conditions, it was rescheduled. 

Kicking off at 6:30, the Wolff Sisters began filling the air with upbeat indie rock and roll music. Showcasing their original songs from their albums like Dark River, and Cahoon Hollow. The sun was beginning to settle as the community surrounded the talent of the band.

With vendors, and a children’s activity center, the Sherborn Library hosted the perfect evening for families and even young adults. Locals of all ages enjoyed the indie rock tunes, dancing and clapping along to the unique sounds of the Wolff Sisters.

Children were enthralled with fun bubbles activities, snacks from local food vendors, and even outdoor games like catch. It was a wonderful summer evening with the perfect amount of relaxation, fun, and new music. Keep an eye out for upcoming Sherborn Library events this summer!

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