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Troop1 Dover participated in a Camporee with neighboring Boy Scout troops from Westwood and Needham. Several troops gathered for a period of camping and common activities in a Camporee at Hale Reservation on 80 Carby Rd in Westwood. The Camporee was organized by the District Council, Spirit of Adventure. All the troops within the district were invited.
A Camporee is a local or regional gathering of scouting units for a period of camping and common activities. In addition to encouraging bonding between scouts from neighboring troops, the Boy Scout Council encourages healthy competition between the boys in scouting skills such as fire building, knot tying, first aid, emergency preparedness, pioneering, citizenship, outdoor cooking, camping or orienteering. The scouts usually camp, compete and cook by patrol. Each patrol consists of 6-7 boys from a Boy Scout troop, and has a unique name, flag, and duty roster which lists the various responsibilities shared by the members.
They competed in several games including a chariot race. In order to prepare for this, the scouts built a chariot using spare bicycle wheels and light wagons. Troop1 Dover's own Fox Patrol won first place in the chariot race and its Falcon patrol won the third place overall. Fox and Falcon patrols garnered 6 out of 18 ribbons awarded during this prestigious Camporee event.