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Haunted Experiences at the DTL

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Sponsored by the Framingham Public Library, the Dover Town Library (DTL) shared a spooky online event this past Saturday, October 21st, titled “Haunted Experiences with Jeff DePaoli: Delusion.” This is part three of a four part series that is happening throughout the month of October! 

Each Saturday throughout October so far, Jeff DePaoli has hosted a Haunted Experience event in which guests will talk about certain ghostly topics. DePaoli grew up in Woburn, Massachusetts and has been obsessed with all things Halloween from a very early age. One could easily say that it is his favorite day of the year. Currently living in Los Angeles, California, he works as a segment producer with the world’s largest Halloween and horror convention, Midsummer Scream. 

This week’s guest was none other than Jon Braver, creator of “Delusion.” According to the DTL’s website, “Since 2011, Jon Braver has been creating this new and unique, location-based theatrical production where guests step inside a horror movie and become part of the story. Part theater, part haunted house, part interactive experience, ‘Delusion’ is unlike any other experience.” 

For three years now, “Delusion” has been taking place within Los Angeles at what many deem to be the perfect location. Since 2011, Braver has written and directed nine different stories and over forty amazing characters. His work has captured audiences worldwide, many of which fly in every year to experience his Haunted House for Halloween. 

Throughout this event, DePaoli and Braver discussed the in’s and out’s of “Delusion” as well as Braver’s other works. While he absolutely loves what he is doing, Braver thinks that he will move on to different things in the future. 

For instance, Braver would love to turn his earlier stories into either a movie or television show. With this, he does not believe that the interactive experience will ever go away, but it will definitely change. This may be the last year for those to experience “Delusion” for Braver wants to bring back the old stories with this new found popularity within his work. In essence, “Delusion” was always the means towards something else, something much bigger. 

When discussing Braver’s inspiration in creating this haunted house gaming experience, he stated that New England played a major role in it. Vacationing to Vermont every year when he was a young boy, there was always something about the New England fall atmosphere that sparked an interest in him. While he would love to open an interactive haunted house here, there are some problems in the way of that. 

As we have seen since late August, it has rained every weekend, making the New England weather rather tricky to hold a haunted house experience. Furthermore, one of the hardest parts of Braver’s job is to find the perfect location to create these interactive events. He has done some research into it, but has yet to find the perfect one in New England yet. 

Since this could in fact be the last year that “Delusion” will be happening, Braver implores everyone who wants to to buy a ticket and fly out to see the show. He insists that if haunted houses and interactive games are your thing, then you surely do not want to miss this type of experience! For more information about “Delusion,” please visit Braver’s website at

For more information about DePaoli’s next Haunted Experiences event, please visit the DTL’s website at

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