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WPL welcomes back Dan Shaughnessy

By Riley Fontana

Hometown Weekly Reporter

The Walpole Public Library (WPL) was excited to welcome back Boston sports writer Dan Shaughnessy for his fifth conversation. Shaughnessy has been reporting on New England sports for over 45 years and still finds enjoyment in sharing stories from the job. 

Shaughnessy loves working with New England teams, for more than just the large number of championship wins. There is something about the fans and their culture that Shaughnessy enjoys. “No region has fans like here,” he said. “There is no better place to do what I do.” He spoke on the dedication he has seen throughout the years, and now New Englander's dedication doesn’t waiver during low points. 

Shaughnessy shared a few stories about sports writing in Boston and all the big names he had the pleasure of working with. Walpole legend Joe Morgan was one of his favorites. Morgan was in attendance in the audience and shared a few stories himself of working with Shaughnessy. Morgan is not the only thing Shaughnessy loves about Walpole. He shared stories of Boston coaches who lived in Walpole and having watched the high school teams dominate for years. “The Porkers were like an Olympic team,” he said, regarding one of the field hockey team's championship runs. 

The audience was able to ask Shaughnessy about their favorite sports moments, players and coaches and he was always ready to share a story or two. One audience member asked how he got his start in sports writing, and Shaughnessy said it started with reading about sports nonstop. “The librarian would put aside sports books for me,” he said, “and then I put my time into the Holy Cross school paper.” After college, he worked his way up to a position at the Boston Globe, where he continues to write today. 

Dan Shaughnessy is definitely a fan favorite for Walpole and always brings in a massive crowd. His talks are a can’t-miss for any fans of New England sports or anyone who enjoys hearing about the inner workings of major leagues. Shaughnessy is sure to be back at the library with more stories to share with the town. 

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