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Walpole kicks off 300th year with light show

by Elizabeth Connolly

Hometown Weekly Reporter

On Saturday night, December 16th, thousands of residents gathered on Stone Field in the dark. They were there for the laser show, courtesy of the 300th Committee, which offered the 15 minute light spectacle free of charge to the public. There were two viewings, the first at 6:00 p.m. and the second at 8:30 p.m., and each one was very popular. 

The weather seemed willing to cooperate with the event planners - an unusual occurrence in New England! - as it was a relatively mild evening for December with temperatures hovering around 40 degrees. Even so, most folks in attendance appeared well prepared by donning their winter coats, hats and gloves.

The incredibly unique experience consisted of several focal points. The most obvious at first was the fog being emitted from the machines set up around the field. These created large clouds that children of all ages enjoyed running in before the show started. There were also a number of poles set up around the field, which soon revealed themselves to be the lasers. Promptly at both 6:00 and 8:30, colorful lights shone from each pole, creating a ceiling of sorts that was about 10 feet high. Mixed with the fog, the lasers made a cloud-like appearance above the heads of the crowd, giving the illusion that the wide field was actually a bit smaller and cozier than it really was. 

After a few moments, and much to the delight of the crowd, the fireworks began. The lasers, fireworks, and an inflatable movie screen that showed fun images of singing and dancing were all coordinated with the upbeat top-40 music that played over the speakers. Despite a brief technical issue at the 8:30 viewing, it was an exceptional event that was an absolutely perfect kickoff to an extraordinary occasion: the 300th anniversary of the town of Walpole. 

The 300th Anniversary Committee had this to say of the event: “We are so grateful that more than 3,500 of our neighbors came out to kick off our Town's 300th Birthday Celebration tonight. The crowd was electric and everyone, especially our youngest neighbors seemed to have a great time. A very special thank you to Walpole Firefighters IAFF Local 2464 for providing the fire watch and Walpole Police Department for being present to make sure everyone got in and out of the foggy venue safely. The Junior Woman's Club of Walpole and the Walpole Lions Club for providing coffee, doughnuts, and hot chocolate. Walpole DPW for site set up and take down and Walpole Public Schools and Walpole Recreation for all their work publicizing the event and taking some amazing pictures.”

Walpole was incorporated in December of 1724 after gaining separation from Dedham. The town was named after Sir Robert Walpole, who is believed to have been the first British Prime Minister. The 300th Anniversary Committee is a group of 11 members that have been planning the tercentennial for several years. Upcoming events include a Senior Prom, a Gala, historical observances, a huge parade, and more. You can find all the information at

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