By Elizabeth Connolly
Hometown Weekly Reporter
Amidst a summer that has appeared to consist primarily of rainy days, the clouds parted last Tuesday, July 11th, for the first installment of Concerts on the Common, an annual tradition of live music on the town common by the gazebo.
In addition to the cooperation of the elements, the event was extra special because it included a food truck, balloon twister, face painter, and an ice cream truck, as well as live entertainment. “Image,” a six-piece local band, provided the audience with an upbeat variety of music from the 70s and 80s.
Children delighted in having their faces painted, playing with balloons, and enjoying a cold and sweet treat on this exceptionally warm summer night. While the older folks in the crowd enjoyed the music from their younger years and the delicious options that were provided by the food trucks on site. There was truly something for everyone of all ages to enjoy, hence why it is a town favorite event.
“We tried to make the opening night of the concert series more of a celebration this year than we have in the past to kick it off,” explained Assistant Recreation Director Lauren Antonetti. She added that for the rest of the season they have invited a food and ice cream truck to attend the Tuesday evening events. “The exception to this is National Night Out which combines our usual concert with a police/fire and community partnership,” Antonetti continued. “We will host that event on Stone Field instead of the Town Common and that night will end with an outdoor movie. That will also include inflatables and more food trucks along with live music.
Concerts on the Common take place every Tuesday evening through August 29th from 6-8pm. All concerts take place on the town common, with the exception of August 1st, which will be held at Stone Field in concurrence with National Night Out. Parallel parking is available throughout downtown or find spots in the large municipal lot behind the fire station. Chairs and blankets are encouraged!