by Audrey Anderson
Hometown Weekly Reporter
On October 22nd, the Boylston Schul-Verein in Walpole held a spirited luncheon and lively entertainment by the BSV Sängerchor Boston. Approximately 80 guests enjoyed the opportunity to gather with friends of German descent and celebrate their culture.
The BSV Sängerchor Boston entertained with a musical tour of Germany and Austria, "Von Berlin nach Wien," after guests had sandwiches and salad. The group is a mixed voice chorus of approximately 25 members that performs both enchanting and humerous German folk songs and art songs in traditional German costumes.
The group opened the concert with the humorous "Schalt aus dein Handy" ("Shut Off Your Cell Phone"). Then they "traveled" through Germany and Austria with songs from Berlin, Nordsee, Die Saale, Thuringen, Der Rhein, Heidelberg, Regensburg, Munchen, Kufstein, and Wein.
A beautiful song about the North Seas, "An der Nordseekuste," was also an Irish melody. A medieval knight appeared in the audience when the chorus sang a beautiful song about castles on a river, "An der Saale hellem Strande." The audience happily sang along to their favorite folk songs.Continuing the fun, a maiden from the chorus sat apart, combing her golden hair, as the chorus sang "Dei Lorelei." While the chorus sang the last song of the afternoon, "In einem Kleinen Cafe in Hernals," a couple in love enjoyed a coffee in an Austrian coffeehouse.
German desserts and coffee were served after the concert to a room full of happy guests, lifted up by hearing the songs of their heritage and enjoying the company of friends.
The BSV Sängerchor welcomes new singers at any time. Rehearsals are held every Tuesday evening from 7 pm to 8:30 pm at the Boylston Schul-Verein. Contact Ilse Lister at [email protected] or go to their web site at