By Ken Chaisson
Hometown Weekly Reporter
In days of yore, skating outdoors on ponds, lakes and other bodies of water was the norm in New England winters. Fun and magical, it brought entire families together to re-connect with nature. Walpole students used to skate at recess.
However, Mother Nature has shifted over the past few years and the ability to have a smooth, firm, glimmering expanse of natural ice has diminished. This has led to the growth of major rink facilities and personal outdoor rinks as the number of girls playing hockey in Massachusetts is up double digits in the past ten years.
The winter of 2025 has been a throwback and we have the crew at Walpole Ponds Management to thank for much of our local enjoyment. Dan Ryan is the leader of the passionate seven person group of volunteers. Dan’s team is frequently out preparing the ice surfaces until midnight for the next day’s participants or stacking firewood for a warm respite for guests.
Walpole Ponds Management staffs the quintessentially New England lodge at Turner Pond for free. They are all volunteers who staff the lodge, serve refreshments, chop wood for the fireplace and prepare the ice. All funding for the entire operation comes from annual dues or donations.
The lodge is named after Roger Turner, a seven-time U.S. champion (1928-1934) and two-time Olympian (1928, 1932), who skated frequently in competitions on the pond. In prior years, Turner Pond was the site of ice harvesting and winter carnivals organized by the Turners. His son, Roger Jr., and family were incredibly gracious with donations to the town for the benefit of all residents in the local community.
The Walpole Ponds Management Committee and other dedicated citizens re-opened Turner Lodge in 2010. The Rockwellian rustic winter retreat offers a fireplace, wood burning stove, windows overlooking the pond, a skate changing area and a restroom.
Walpole Ponds is always looking for people to help out. Ponds are a natural resource that can provide enjoyment all four seasons with skating, fishing, boating and more.
Some outdoor skating reminders include:
- Test the ice before skating. It should be at least 4 inches thick. Turner Pond is checked daily.
- Never skate alone. If you fall in, there’s no one around to save you.
- Do NOT shovel it if there is some snow on it! Let the professionals on Dan’s team handle it. They do a fantastic job.
- Pay attention to any signs regarding ice conditions or restrictions on the pond.
Follow Walpole Ponds on Facebook for updated lodge hours and more information. An annual family membership is $20 for Walpole residents.
Doesn’t an ice skating birthday party with a crackling fire and hot chocolate in Turner Lodge afterwards sound good right about now?
As the Walpole Ponds Committee web page says, “It’s time to get our kids out of the house and away from the television. Let’s teach them how to fish and ice skate. Together we can revitalize what was once an everyday part of past generations lives.”