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The Church of the Advent calls Rev. Lynn Campbell as Rector

The Episcopal Church of the Advent recently voted to confirm the Reverend Lynn Campbell’s call to the tenured position of Rector after serving the last two and half years as the Priest-in-Charge. Over the past year, guided by Jesus’ commandment to “love one another as I have loved you,” she has worked with church leadership to develop a strategic plan that focuses on the church’s core values of love, welcome, belonging, joy, and compassion  Rev. Lynn loves to lead worship, especially celebrating the Eucharist, and to speak with people about how they experience God in their lives.

Rev. Lynn cherishes children: whether it’s spending time with her niece and nephew, leading Youth Group, supporting church school, or inviting the children to the altar during worship. She has been a foster parent for infants and toddlers for the past five years. Over those years, she has cared for over a dozen children. It is a calling both extremely rewarding and heart breaking.

Rev. Lynn is a graduate of the College of the Holy Cross. Prior to becoming an Episcopalian and discerning a call to ordination to the priesthood, she worked as a college campus minister at various universities and as the Manager of Volunteers and Pastoral Care at St. Francis House, a homeless day shelter in Boston. She also participated in the Jesuit Volunteer Corp in San Diego before completing a Masters of Divinity at Weston Jesuit School of Theology in 2003. She received an Anglican Certificate in 2010 from the Virginia Theological Seminary.

In addition to her ministry at the Church of the Advent, Rev. Lynn assists the Diocese in various ways such as serving on the Commission on Ministry that works with people applying to be ordained and accompanies them through the three year ordination process. In recognition of her work in revitalizing the Church of the Advent, the Bishop appointed her as  co-chair of the Healthy Congregations Task Force, which determines ways to help congregations thrive.

Rev. Lynn has the unique ability of striking the perfect balance—relating her sermons to scripture while also personalizing them and making them relevant to parishioners’ everyday lives. She is passionate about bringing the message of God’s love for all God’s people and all of creation outside the walls of the church, whether by participating in service projects such as providing food for the unhoused population in Boston through Common Cathedral or, as she did last week, presiding over the fun community Blessing of the Animals in honor of St. Francis. She is a comforting counselor and pastoral caregiver. Church of the Advent is very grateful to have her as their minister.

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