Taking inspiration from John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” YouTube channel, the Medfield High School Student Council has decided to spread some good news. They will be spreading positivity throughout Medfield on their Instagram (@medfield_fans) with local stories from the town's own good samaritans.
Throughout the quarantine, individuals with stories they think are worthy of telling the rest of the town are encouraged to send a direct message to the Instagram account or email [email protected]. Anything that is positive fits the criteria: stories, photos, and/or videos.
Additionally, the council will continue with “Kindness Month” throughout April. Among the month's activities: making a video compilation of many people around Medfield saying what they love about the town or (if they are kids) what they miss about school. Medfield citizens of all ages are asked to email a video of them saying what they love about Medfield - or what they miss about school - to [email protected]. The council will make it into one big video, post it on YouTube, then share it with the community.