By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff
A brisk 36 degree day fell upon the town of Dover on Tuesday morning, December 20.
Still readying for the holidays, most with downtime were wrapping gifts or still shopping.
A group of Dover runners, however, seized the opportunity to get some fresh air and spend time
with neighbors and family for the Jingle Jog, which has had runners prancing through town
since 2017.
Spreading holiday cheer, the group welcomed new joggers, and even walkers. Participants
dressed in ugly holiday sweaters and impressive seasonal ensembles (the jog's only
requirement) were happy to congregate and catch up prior to the run.
The three-and-a-half mile loop began at Dover Town House and continued to Centre Street.
Some chose to run across Main Street, while others walked a shorter loop by the Dover Church.
Organized by Erin Clarke Gorden, Lynda Barnes, and Kristen Dummer, the Jingle Joggers were
comprised of half-marathon runners, PE educators, track athletes, and some just who had just
come for a nice, festive walk.
“We’re friends that joined together and these two [Barnes and Dummer] started training for a
half-marathon," Gorden said, recalling the foundations of the jog. "Some of us have done
marathons before, so we put out water for them or go for the five mile runs. At Christmas, we
thought to do a Jingle Jog.”
A family affair, college students returned home for the holiday break and visited their old
stomping grounds to participate. Santa Clara University Marketing and Psychology major Claire
Gorden and St. Lawrence senior Maggie Green accompanied their mothers for the jog. “I play
field hockey and lacrosse [at St. Lawrence], and played at DS,” Green said, before taking off
down Center Street like a shot.
Runners separated as pace split them up. No one was left alone, though; Walkers conversed
and Gorden brought a speaker to play Christmas music, hands-free. The group made their way
back to the Legion for a toast, where college friends Louis Hansen and Robby Darragh, both
licensed bartenders, served a celebratory glass of champagne.
As have all the past iterations of this delightful holiday tradition, 2022's Jingle Jog centered
around good company and fun -- a perfect way to ring in the heart of the season!