Road Construction Projects Continue In Medfield

Sherborn Residents ‘Reach The Beach’

Twelve Sherborn residents competed in the 201 mile, overnight Reach the Beach relay race through New Hampshire on September 18-19.
The team name was “SherBorn to Run,” and the members are Emily Daly, Meg Hyde, Allan Giesen, Paul Grennell, Ken Frankel, Andrea Stiller, Matt Guarini, Qing Dong, John Hourihan, Jackie Martin, Kim Charneski and Skip Wiemeyer....
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Wellesley Police Chief Named IACP President

BY ROBERT ROSEN (@roberterosen)
Wed, Nov 04, 2015
Wellesley Police Chief Terrence Cunningham was sworn in as the new President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) by FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday, October 27 during the annual IACP Convention held in Chicago.
Cunningham has 30 years of experience in law enforcement, including 13 as...
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Medfield Resident Competes In Ironman

BY JOSH PERRY (@Josh_Perry10)
Wed, Nov 04, 2015
When Medfield resident Kevin Barton was recovering from running in the 2011 Boston Marathon, a friend approached him about trying something new and training for a triathlon. He quickly signed up for an Ironman 70.3 and took part in his first competitive triathlon.
Just about four years later and Barton...
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