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Westwood Scouts to attain Eagle rank

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On November 26, 2016, Troop 3 will hold a Court of Honor to award Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle, to three young men from Westwood. Michael Clasby, Cameron Valentine, and Ian Moscaritolo will each receive this award at a ceremony to be held at 2:00 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Westwood on 808 High Street. Michael is a junior at Blue Hills Regional Technical School in Canton, Cameron is a junior at Westwood High School, and Ian is a freshman at the University of New Hampshire.

With this achievement, these young men are joining a very small percentage of Boy Scouts. Nationwide, only 6 percent of the total number of Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, and Venturers in the country earn the rank of Eagle Scout. The path to Eagle is a challenging one. To earn the Eagle Scout rank, a Boy Scout must fulfill numerous requirements in leadership, community service, citizenship, and outdoor skills. A Scout must earn a minimum of 21 merit badges, including 13 Eagle-required badges, to advance to the rank of Eagle.

Using Scouting skills in the real world is exemplified in the community service project each Scout must perform to become an Eagle. Each of the three Scouts identified an organization that needed assistance and developed a plan to lead others in executing a service project to benefit that organization. Michael Clasby’s project helped the town of Westwood’s conservation land through work at Rice Reservation. Cameron Valentine’s project and Ian Moscaritolo’s project both benefitted the First Baptist Church of Westwood – Troop 3’s Charter Organization. Cameron completely restored the Outdoor Baker Chapel for the congregation to enjoy during outdoor services. Ian cleared an area on which he built a fire pit and installed benches for use by the church youth group, the congregation, and the Scouts.

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