By Rama K. Ramaswamy
On Sunday evening, August 13, World Of Wellesley organized a “Solidarity Vigil with Charlottesville” on the Wellesley Town Hall green.
Approximately 150 people were in attendance (ranging in age between 2 and 80) and “ready to speak up and act,” according to WOW organizers who rolled out this event in 24 hours. Welcome remarks were delivered by WOW President Michelle Chalmers. After which, Rev. Dr. Matt Wooster, Senior Minister from the Wellesley Congregational Church, said a few words followed by a moment of silence to honor lives lost in Charlottesville. The evening concluded with collective discussion, which was encouraged by WOW organizers.
About 20 people and attendees spoke about “creating action,” further discussing, “what we need and should do.”
Some attendees pledged to “do something this week - such as donate towards Black Lives Matter [and other grassroots organizations] that are fighting against hate and violence.”
Others mentioned wanting to “[attend] the ACLU training this week, have a conversation with someone who may not have the same views, call people in with love and compassion and have a conversation about how hearing and seeing this hate makes you feel.”
Still more said they planned to “attend the protest planned for Boston next Saturday” or “meet your neighbor who may identify as a different race or religion than you and talk together.”
“It was inspiring and wonderful to see so many people come out to share their voice on such short notice and pledge to act,” said Chalmers as the event concluded.