by Rama K. Ramaswamy
The World of Wellesley (WOW) invited the community to gather together and “march for unity and peace.” Over 100 families and their children gathered on the greens of Warren Park with homemade signs expressing sentiments of connection love, peace and unity.
The gathering was made possible after Wellesley resident Katie Griffith reached out to World the World of Wellesley asking for an opportunity to come together. Michelle Chalmers, President of WoW, said: “As a mom with three children, Katie has been troubled by the hateful and vitriolic language that was expressed by our new President-elect, the horrific, hate-incident that happened at Wellesley College, and in our nearby neighboring town of Natick. She called on World of Wellesley to bring the community together to express the importance of working together and engaging in dialogue to encourage peaceful and respectful interactions with our friends and neighbors and to talk to our children - and specifically, our young children.”
“What was amazing about Saturday’s gathering was that it offered an opportunity to engage with people we didn’t know,” one attendee said. “I met a man who shared, after the event, that he was hesitant to turn to a person beside him, that he didn’t know, and begin a conversation, but he pushed himself out of his comfort zone and had a great time.”
“I encourage everyone to engage with neighbors that they haven’t met yet - people in Roche Bros or in their workplace,” Chalmers remarked. “The gathering meant a lot to Katie, who has never spoken publicly or participated in any type of unity-march or gathering.”
“Our children are watching what we say and what we do,” another attendee said, “and it is an incredible time to build community and be a part of a movement for peace and unity.”
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