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POPS launches instrument donation initiative

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Wellesley Parents of Performing Students (POPS) has just announced a new instrument donation program in collaboration with the Wellesley Public Schools. This community-wide initiative will provide musical instruments to Wellesley students in grades K-12, enabling them to sign up for lessons, play in school ensembles, and develop a passion for the performing arts. And it will breathe fresh life into the once-loved instruments that are stored in many of our homes.

POPS is a non-profit organization of Wellesley parents who work to support the WPS performing arts faculty and staff, furthering their educational objectives through fundraising, annual grants, and volunteer participation. The POPS Board of Directors began discussing the idea of an instrument donation program when the organization started receiving funding requests from WPS teachers looking for additional instruments for their band and orchestra students. According to POPS President Darlene Howland, “Our hope is that anyone with a string, wind, brass or percussion instrument that is not in use would be excited to put it into the hands of a passionate music student.”

Howland explained that some students may have already learned one instrument, but are curious about learning another. “POPS’ goal is to give students the opportunity to try out an instrument without it being a big investment and commitment right off the bat. Someone who plays the violin might want to try a viola or an alto saxophone player could also become proficient on the tenor sax,” Howland said. “It would be great for the Performing Arts department to have a stock of instruments to provide to students who can’t afford to rent or buy one, or are simply interested in having the opportunity to learn a different instrument.”

Although Wellesley’s band and orchestra programs are ranked among the best in the state, there a shortage of instruments for the growing numbers of children who wish to participate. Russell Wilson, head of the WPS Instrument and Vocal Extension Program (IVEP) noted that the sheer number of students taking lessons means the school system requires more instruments. “This year alone, over 700 students are taking lessons through the IVEP, so with all those students, the demand for instruments is high,” he said.

Wilson hopes that the new donation program will also give students from lower-income backgrounds a chance to learn an instrument. “I know that here in Wellesley a lot of people have resources, but not everyone does,” Wilson said. “We’re really trying to be aware of everyone’s situation, and be able to give everyone that opportunity.”

The Instrument Donation Program was kicked off during the high school’s spring concert season, and will continue indefinitely. “Anyone in town who has an instrument to donate can simply drop it off at the POPS table in the lobby of the school where a concert is taking place, or they can bring it to the high school’s main office,” said Michael LaCava, WPS Director of Performing Arts. All of the Wellesley Public Schools’ band and orchestra concerts are free of charge and open to the public, giving audiences the opportunity to see where their donated instruments end up - in the hands of talented, enthusiastic young musicians.

“It is so exciting that the kids will soon be able to actually try out an instrument rather than just looking at a picture and deciding,” LaCava said.

“If families have an instrument that is not being used, it could really make a huge difference in a young student’s life, all because somebody took the time to drop it off,” Howland said. “I think the ultimate goal would be to take a child who has interest in playing a musical instrument but lacks access or resources, and putting one in their hands. That’s really exciting.”

POPS welcomes donations of clean, gently-used, playable string, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Wellesley High School band director Steve Scott and orchestra director Dr. Sergey Khanukaev will evaluate the instruments, arrange for refurbishment or cleaning, and place them within the school system. This year, POPS has designated additional funds to cover the costs of repairs for donated instruments. Instruments will be formally gifted to the Wellesley Public Schools at School Committee meetings throughout the year. Donors will receive written acknowledgment from POPS, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, which will include the organization’s tax ID number.

At the time of print, word of mouth about the program has already led to the donation of a violin, a trumpet, and a clarinet. POPS encourages everyone who is downsizing, de-cluttering or spring cleaning to think about transforming the life of a Wellesley music student.

To donate a musical instrument to POPS, drop it off at Wellesley High School’s Main Office, located at 50 Rice Street. Instruments can also be dropped off with POPS representatives who are stationed in the lobby at every WHS and WMS band and orchestra concert. For further information about this initiative, contact POPS at or call the WPS Performing Arts office during business hours at (781-446-6210, x5720).

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