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The Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s (Mass Hort) Gardeners’ Fair will take place on a new weekend, Saturday, May 13, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s The Gardens at Elm Bank, Route 16, in Wellesley. The Gardeners’ Fair is an opportunity to find rare and unusual perennials, trees and shrubs; ready-to-plant herbs and vegetables; and tomato varieties by the dozens. It’s also a chance to hear talks by experts, find unique garden tools, garden ornaments and accessories, as well as other gardening necessities. The fair will feature tomatoes by Allandale Farm, the Herb Society Plant Sale. Admission is $5 per car for the general public, free for Mass Hort members.
The Mass Master Gardener Association will offer pH soil testing at the Gardeners Fair. For further information, visit http://massmastergardeners.org/soil-test.
Massachusetts Horticultural Society and The Gardens at Elm Bank are located at 900 Washington Street in Wellesley. For more information, visit: http://www.masshort.org/Gardeners-Fair.