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Library attendees learn how to juggle

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By Peter Kougias
Hometown Weekly Intern

On Tuesday, June 13, Philip and Lois Czachorowski taught a group of local citizens how to juggle. While the weather cooled down from the muggy day, some broke a sweat trying to juggle several bean bags at once.

The Czachorowskis’ workshop will run throughout the summer, so that others can learn the art of juggling.

Philip Czachorowski led the group by introducing the basics. He started out by saying “you never know when you might impress somebody at a party or work.”

Czachorowski demonstrated the cascade. This is the simple move of tossing three balls in the air. It is a pattern that can be mastered just by sitting in front of the television.

The Czachorowskis aided attendees with tips on how to get started. Many picked up the skill right away. After a few drops, everybody was on track. Lois Czachorowski mentioned that juggling is a great new way to teach motor skills. She also mentioned it’s better to practice 10-15 minutes a day so one’s brain can learn the coordination and movements. Long periods can hinder overall performance due to exhaustion.

Eventually, the curious crowd took a break and the Czachorowskis displayed tossing. They stood apart from each other and began with the cascade. Soon, they were passing beanbags back and forth with ease. Many in the group were in complete awe.

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