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On Saturday, September 23, the Walpole High School (WHS) Alumni Association presented a check for $7,500 to Ron Dowd, Athletic Director at WHS. The check presentation was held at half time on the football field at the Walpole/Norwood game. Rich McCarthy, June Wilson Burke, and Al Mullen, all members of the WHS Alumni Association, were present when the check was given to Dowd.
The WHS Alumni Association, Inc., was formed 17 years ago by former graduates of WHS to enable its members to work together for the good of the graduates and students of WHS.
A few examples of some of the items they have given funds for in the past are musical instruments, water bubblers, state-of-the art projectors in the library and a memorial to WHS students who gave their lives for our country.
An alumni party is held every year and is the major source of fundraising. The focus of the 2016 party was to assist in replacing the old championship team banners in the gym. The party was a huge success and the Alumni Association was able to donate $7,500 towards the replacement of the championship banners.
The Board recognized and thanked Dave Ferrara, Post Manager, Walpole VFW and Tom Kirwan, Owner Finnegan’s Wake, in addition to the many sponsors who faithfully support the alumni association.
The Board would also thanked the musicians for donating their time and effort to making the year’s party so successful and so much fun.
The annual party this year will be held on Nov. 4 at the Walpole VFW. The theme is “FATE” (Fighting Addiction Through Education). For more information and to purchase tickets, visit http://www.walpolehighalumni.com. Attendees needn’t be alumni - all are welcome and encouraged to attend.