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Tag Archives: westwood public library

Westwood Library makes a mystery

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter When Concord District Court Judge Samantha Bell Jones meets data miner Thomas Malachi, she doesn’t seem to take much of an interest in him, except for the fact that he owns a cat named Klaus. When a stranger, John Ledbetter Bell, comes in from out of town with a...
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Springtime blooms at Needham Library gallery

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter If you had the opportunity to visit the Needham Free Public Library during the month of March, you probably noticed that spring arrived early at the Friends Gallery. Although the several nor'easters ensured that it still looked like winter outdoors, Kira Seamon's bright and colorful photography welcomed the new season inside. Using...
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Celtic harpers astound library goers

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter At the Westwood Public Library, locals crowded into the Community Room, dragging chairs from the lobby to enjoy a special concert from the New England Irish Harp Orchestra (NEIHO). The Celtic-inspired group features nearly a dozen harpers, as well as a uilleann pipes player, a fiddler, a woodwind player,...
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‘VolunTEENS’ lend hands to Westwood Library

By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter A group of teens at the Westwood Public Library chatted enthusiastically amongst one other. Some sat in a circle on the rug folding pamphlets for the annual Harry Potter Night, while others gathered at one of the tables, carefully cutting out letters to spell the names of the four houses. Although...
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Westwood clears first snowstorm

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter In Australia, the sweltering heat is so intense that it has caused some asphalt roads to partially melt, and locals are wishing for relief from the triple-digit temperatures with cooler weather. However, here in Massachusetts, the cold weather is not welcome as temperatures hover around zero, dipping into the negatives...
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Library relaunches Friday hang-out program

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter Thanks to the Westwood Public Library’s awesome children’s librarians, the library has become one of the most popular middle school hang-out spots. The main branch is well known among Thurston Middle School students for its half-day activities, homework help, and teen resources. Now, the middle school students have been able...
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Westwood Library hosts Halloween morning fun

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter Last week, the Westwood Public Library invited children of all ages to join them for a Halloween morning celebration. With sing-alongs, a story time, a parade, and party, the youngest trick-or-treaters and their caregivers flocked to the library to join in on the fun. [caption id="attachment_22699" align="alignright" width="400"] Read more

Library offers half-day hangout spot

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter As the bells rang for early dismissal, Westwood’s middle school students planned their afternoon downtown with friends. While some stopped at the local coffee shop for a Frappuccino and a snack, others headed straight to the Westwood Public Library to hang out with friends and get a head start...
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Preteens find perfection in new author

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter Libraries and bookstores house countless pages of stories waiting to be picked up by avid readers. One particular 304-page book flies off the shelves as preteens grab copies, soon to be sucked into the precise, yet chaotic, world of Elly Swartz’s “Finding Perfect.” To discuss her highly praised debut...
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WLT hosting annual art exhibit

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Westwood Land Trust (WLT) will be hosting the 11th annual Capturing Nature in Westwood Art Exhibit to raise awareness and appreciation for the community’s beautiful natural environment. Residents are encouraged to go outside, look around and explore, and “capture” the natural beauty one sees through a painting, 3-D piece, photograph, or any other...
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Westwood preschoolers play with mindfulness

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter It can be challenging for preschool-aged children to sit without wiggling, to listen without blurting out comments, or to follow directions without being asked a dozen times. But Sheryl White works magic on children to teach preschoolers mindfulness exercises and self-control. The Westwood Public Library has welcomed Sheryl’s mindfulness workshops...
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‘Shanghai Faithful’ explores complicated family history

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter “For me, as a writer, you’re always looking for a story to pursue. The whole time it was right in front of me: It was the story of my family,” said Jennifer Lin, a journalist and the author of “Shanghai Faithful.” As a reporter for 31 years, Lin brought...
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Author Lin to address Westwood Library

Jennifer Lin, a former China correspondent for The Philadelphia Inquirer, will discuss her family memoir, "Shanghai Faithful: Betrayal and Forgiveness in a Chinese Christian Family," at the Westwood Public Library on Thursday, Sept. 14, at 7 p.m. Within the next decade, China could have more Christians than any country in the world. Through the 150-year saga...
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Author Lin to address Westwood Library

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Jennifer Lin, a former China correspondent for The Philadelphia Inquirer, will discuss her family memoir, "Shanghai Faithful: Betrayal and Forgiveness in a Chinese Christian Family," at the Westwood Public Library on Thursday, Sept. 14, at 7 p.m. Within the next decade, China could have more Christians than any country in the world. Through...
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Westwood Children’s Library heads outdoors

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter A visit to the library doesn’t always have to include a stack of books or vigorous studying. Sometimes, one actually can play at the library. Such was the case at the Westwood Public Library on August 14 as the library hosted an outdoor event for children ages two to...
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Science and storytelling intertwine in Westwood

By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter ScienceTellers makes learning about science more engaging and enjoyable by pairing scientific demonstrations with a riveting story. Westwood Public Library hosted a Science Tellers event on Monday, July 31, during which children from ages four to eight participated in experiments and a listened to the tale of two children, Grace and...
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Library goers wiggle and giggle

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Christina Perrone Hometown Weekly Intern On the morning of Tuesday, June 25, Westwood Public Library held its daily story time, a segment named “Wiggle and Giggle Storytime.” Indeed, there was much wiggling and giggling during the fun event held by Suzie Canale, a member of the Westwood library staff. Many children and their parents showed...
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Library hosts $45 million flower workshop

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter Local artists headed to the Westwood Public Library on Monday, July 24, to reproduce a painting that sold for nearly $45 million: Georgia O’Keeffe’s “Jimson Weed/White Flower No. 1.” With a grant from the MA Cultural Council and the guidance of portraitist and painter Greg Maichack, the artists worked...
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Finding Common Ground seeks political understanding

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter Do you believe there is a growing divide among your fellow citizens? Have you been feeling ridiculed or attacked for your political beliefs? Are you fearful about the future of our country? Have politics increased your level of anxiety? If the answer was yes to any of these questions,...
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A new side of Georgia O’Keeffe

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter Georgia O’Keeffe is one of America’s most famous artists, male or female. For many years, when Dawn Tripp thought of O’Keeffe all she imagined were the artist’s Southwestern landscapes. That was until a few years back when she went to an exhibit of her work in 2006 at the...
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