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Tag Archives: westwood library

Westwood Library creates room-brightening terrariums

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter At almost any home furnishings store, terrariums can be purchased for considerable sums of money. While the decorative succulents are a unique and brightening decoration for any room, they are also quite simple to create yourself. [caption id="attachment_19630" align="alignleft" width="600"] Each third and fourth grader... 			
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A modern-day Salem witch trial

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By Mary Kate Nolan Hometown Weekly Intern “Could a witch hunt happen again in Salem … and what would it look like if it did? Would we recognize it for what it was before it was too late?” These were the questions around which author Brunonia Barry based her latest book, “The Fifth Petal.”...
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Inclusive Schools group works for change

A new group in town, the Inclusive Schools Working Group (Inclusive Schools), strives to support and encourage the district in its efforts to provide a more inclusive and diverse academic environment for students. Their current focus is on LGBTQ initiatives. Inclusive Schools saw an opportunity to support an organization whose interests overlapped their own when...
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‘Bridging Memories Through Art’ on display

By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter The Westwood Library, while already a lovely space, always augments its value through wonderful exhibits in the main hall. From April 4 to April 30, the exhibit on display was “Bridging Memories Through Art,” featuring 50 works of art as well as an explanation of the benefits of art therapy. These...
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Westwood Library celebrates Black History Month

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter With the onset of February also comes Black History Month. Celebrated as early as 1926, it is an exceptionally important time for remembrance of critical moments in United States, and world, history. To help celebrate this month, the Westwood Library has a new exhibit titled “Black Leaders.” Featuring a...
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At Library, folklore a draw

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter Sam Valentino began his second class at the Westwood Library last Tuesday. His first class focused on teaching art through mythology. This class teaches art as well, but this time, it’s through folklore. “I’m stressing ‘folklore’ because people tend to think of fairy tales, they think of Red Riding...
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Library Friends seek book donations

The Friends of the Westwood Library are currently accepting book donations to benefit the Library. The group seeks gently-used hardcover and paperback books in addition to CDs and DVDs in excellent condition. No textbooks, dated materials, magazines, audio cassettes or video cassettes will be accepted. Individuals wishing to donate may drop off their items in the vestibule...
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Islington Branch Library offers joyful storytime

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter The Westwood Public Library offers a myriad of activities for young and old, providing entertainment and knowledge to not only the population of Westwood but beyond. However, this isn’t where the resources or offerings from the Westwood Library end. The Islington Branch of the Westwood Public Library offers an...
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Local artist teaches art and culture in Westwood

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter Samuel Valentino is not a sit back and watch kind of guy. As a dozen or so children painted traditional Australian Aboriginal works of art, he stood, relaying traditional Aboriginal folktales. One involved the telling of the how The Pointers constellation was created, another the creation of the sun....
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Make it, Build it, and Smash it at the Westwood Library

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By James Ensor Hometown Weekly Reporter The afternoon of September 28 was a lively one at the Westwood Library, when kids were invited to drop in to a program designed to let them unleash both creative and destructive powers. Towers made from newspaper were built and brought down, little green army men were launched from...
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Baby Sign Language at the Westwood Library

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By James Ensor Hometown Weekly Reporter Young parents and their recently-born children sat in a circle around Sheryl White, founder and owner of Baby Kneads, on the morning of Thursday, September 8. For over an hour, the children’s room of the Westwood Library was home to Sheryl’s lessons on American Sign Language for babies. Signs...
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(Mostly) impenetrable reading fortresses pop up

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By Cameron Small Hometown Weekly Intern What do you get when you mix blankets, flashlights, rampaging children, stuffed animals, and smiles? You get the Family Fort Night event held at the Main Branch of the Westwood Public Library last Wednesday night, August 17. Like most things that are planned out, things did not go exactly...
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Little Olympics at Islington Branch

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By James Ensor Hometown Weekly Reporter Although the young athletes would have been forgiven to think they were in Rio when they were baking in the sun, they were in fact escaping the heat in the Islington Branch library on Thursday, August 18. For an hour on that hot morning, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30...
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The menagerie of Westwood Library

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By Cameron Small Hometown Weekly Intern A mysterious table stands in the room with a white tablecloth draped over it. Sunlight streams in through the glass doors, casting shadows on boxes and crates stacked against a wall. One crate starts to shake. Something is inside, something that wants to get out. The crate rattles again....
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Links at the Westwood library

By James Ensor Hometown Weekly Reporter Everyone knows that having fun isn’t hard with a library card, but for the young families of Westwood, membership was not required for mini-golf at the Islington branch of the library. Conveniently located at 280 Washington St. in Westwood, minutes away from Legacy Place in Dedham, Islington’s smaller, community-oriented branch of...
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Westwood Library hosting “Elephant Company” author Vicki Croke

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On Thursday, May 5 at 7 p.m., the Friends of the Westwood Library will host an author talk at the main Library. Meet Vicki Croke, author of the New York Times bestseller, “Elephant Company: The Inspiring Story of an Unlikely Hero and the Animals Who Helped Him Save Lives in World War II.” Learn...
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