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Tag Archives: Needham Diversity Initiative

Social justice reading at Powers Hall

By Audrey Anderson Hometown Weekly Reporter The first public reading of the play “If the Walls Could Talk” was presented in in an exciting joint venture of the Needham Community Theatre and the Needham Diversity Initiative to present a program combining local significance, the arts, and social justice. “If These Walls Could Talk,” written by Dawn Carroll and...
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Needhamites celebrate MLK Day

By Julia Beauregard Hometown Weekly Editor The Needham Diversity Initiative in cooperation with Needham Human Rights Committee, Needham Interfaith Clergy Association, and The Needham Public Schools and it’s METCO Program sponsored the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration at Needham High School on Monday, January 20. The event began as Odessa Jackson, the host of the event,...
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Needhamites honor the legacy of MLK

By Madison Butkus

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Needhamites gathered together this past Monday, January 15th at Needham High School (NHS) to celebrate Martin Luther King (MLK), Jr. Day.  This event was sponsored by the Needham Diversity Initiative (NDI), as well as the Needham Human Rights Committee (NHRC), the...

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Needhamites celebrate MLK’s legacy

By Julia Beauregard
Hometown Weekly Correspondent

Needham locals gathered recently together in the high school auditorium to celebrate the legacy
of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, January 16.

The two hour program was hosted by the Needham Diversity Initiative. Other sponsors included
Needham Human Rights Committee, Needham Public Schools and METCO Program, Interfaith
Clergy Association, and World...

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Needham honors MLK via Zoom ceremony

Sean K. Ellis, the subject of Netflix’s “Trial 4” appeared to speak on the work he is doing to fight voter suppression and police brutality.

By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter

With COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts showing very little signs of slowing down, like...

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Community attends ‘It Happened Here’

On Sunday, March 24, over 75 people gathered at Temple Beth Shalom in Needham for a potluck meal and conversation on how the community reckons with, seeks renewal and reconciles the remnants of the town’s past. Special guest speakers included Executive Director of the Needham History Center and Museum Gloria Greis and Rev. Darrell Hamilton...
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Needham to celebrate MLK’s legacy

Needham’s celebration and observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is scheduled for Monday, January 21, in the Pollard Middle School auditorium. The program will be from 10 a.m. to noon, and doors will open at 9:30. Refreshments will be served. The program is sponsored by the Needham Diversity Initiative, Clergy Association, Human Rights Committee, Public...
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‘Evolution of Gender’

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter On Tuesday, March 28, the Needham Diversity Initiative held an event titled “The Evolution of Gender.” This event, co-sponsored by The Needham Free Public Library, was one of the first of its kind. An exploration of perceptions, definitions, and evolutions of gender, the event welcomed any and all in...
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