Peace Abbey holds peaceful protest

by Elizabeth Connolly
Hometown Weekly Reporter
Despite temperatures that hovered around freezing, a large group gathered on the town common on Monday, January 15th. They were there to honor and celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on what would have been his 95th birthday....
By Madison Butkus
Hometown Weekly Reporter
Needhamites gathered together this past Monday, January 15th at Needham High School (NHS) to celebrate Martin Luther King (MLK), Jr. Day. This event was sponsored by the Needham Diversity Initiative (NDI), as well as the Needham Human Rights Committee (NHRC), the...
By Julia Beauregard
Hometown Weekly Correspondent
Needham locals gathered recently together in the high school auditorium to celebrate the legacy
of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, January 16.
The two hour program was hosted by the Needham Diversity Initiative. Other sponsors included
Needham Human Rights Committee, Needham Public Schools and METCO Program, Interfaith
Clergy Association, and World...
By Elizabeth Connolly
Hometown Weekly Correspondent
Walpole citizens were invited to unite on the common on Monday, January 16, in observance of
Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The theme of this year’s observance was “The Beloved Community”
and the candlelight vigil featured singing, prayer, and several readings of Dr. King’s writings.
Attendees gathered in a circle for the...
Sean K. Ellis, the subject of Netflix’s “Trial 4” appeared to speak on the work he is doing to fight voter suppression and police brutality.
By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter
With COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts showing very little signs of slowing down, like...