Learning about lizards at DTL

By Riley Fontana
Hometown Weekly Reporter
The Needham Free Public Library (NFPL) recently hosted Joys of Nature, an educational program designed to teach children about endangered species. Joy, the program's leader, brings engaging educational content and incredible animals for children and adults to interact with—creatures they might...
by Elizabeth Connolly
Hometown Weekly Reporter
During April Vacation the Westwood Public Library (WPL) provided eager, animal-loving children, along with their caregivers, to gather together in the community room to experience “Joys of Nature!” This program was a live animal show, presented by Joy Marzolf. Marzolf was...
By Julia Beauregard
Hometown Weekly Correspondent
Local youths did not have to travel to their nearest zoo to interact with desert and rainforest animals last Wednesday, as Joy Marzolf from Joys of Nature visited the Dover Town Library’s community room to give a presentation on how these animals are able to...