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Tag Archives: Dover

Hunt Club simulates longstanding tradition

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter Dozens of people stood along the edges of Powisset field on November 18, patiently waiting for sight of them. Children played tag to pass the time and tugged on their parents’ coats as they waited. One little boy told his mom that he wanted to return to the car,...
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Dover author blends humor and technology

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter When was the last time you read a novel about technology that was funny and engaging, appropriate for the whole family, and written by a local author? Perhaps never, or at least not for a very long time. If you’re in need of a new read, Prateek Goorha’s “Henry...
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4-H members compete in swine show

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Members of the Powisset Farm Hens & Hogs 4-H Club of Dover recently competed in a swine show at the Worcester County 4-H Fair in Spencer, MA. Participants were judged on their abilities in the show ring and the appearance of their pig(s). Their pigs were judged for market and breeding suitability....
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Wellesley Scoops growing field hockey interest

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By Michael Flanagan Hometown Weekly Sports Editor There are many factors that go into making a specific sport take off and become popular. Maybe the most significant factor, however, is integrating children into that specific sport and developing them at a young age through youth programs. The Wellesley Scoops, an associated club with USA Field...
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St. Dunstan’s holds Vacation Bible School

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St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church in Dover hosted its 6th annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) during the last week of June. Forty-one kids, 27 teen counselors, and many adult volunteers participated in the VBS, the theme of which was "Hero Central." Tying into the curriculum, participants visited their own local superheroes at the Dover...
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‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ ballet upcoming

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Miss Michelle’s Center for the Performing Arts of Wellesley will present its ninth annual Relevé Ballet Workshop performance of "A Midsummer Night’s Dream" on June 11 at Wilson Middle School, 22 Rutledge Road in Natick at 3:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 each at the door, $20 each pre-sale. The ballet, based upon the...
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Dover Library’s shining children’s program

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter Super Awesome Fun Time is a Dover Library institution. While the Library has a diverse and rich slate of children’s programming, this particular event is the highlight and staple. This past week, the Library had over 100 people, children and parents included, to participate in the weekly event. Super...
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Dover’s Seth Novitch an Eagle Scout

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Boy Scouts of America, Troop 1 Dover, celebrated Seth Novitch’s Eagle Court of Honor on Sunday, April 30. Seth recently completed all the requirements for the rank of Eagle Scout and received his Eagle award at the Eagle Court of Honor ceremony at the Dover Church on 17 Springdale Ave. In order to achieve...
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Beers for Books more than a fundraiser

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter On April 27, the basement of the American Legion was bustling with activity. The sounds of a live band reverberated through the walls, while the vague chatter of people having a great time were just about audible above the drums. Inside, all of this merriment was due to the...
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Dover explores water conservation

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter On Wednesday, Aril 26, the Friends of the Dover Council on Aging hosted the first of a series of four Lifetime Learning classes surrounding the topic of water. The overall series is “The Importance of Water Conservation: Are Our Wells Still Viable?” This first lecture was called “Your Drinking...
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Dover’s Kocher named All-Scholastic at Nobles

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By Michael Flanagan Hometown Weekly Sports Editor The Dover-Sherborn Regional High School varsity alpine ski team enjoyed an incredibly successful season on the slopes in 2016-2017. However, even some DS residents who opted to take their athletic talents elsewhere had successful athletic campaigns this past winter season. Dover’s Izzy Kocher is the prime example after...
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Dover’s McElligott part of YMCA Marathon team

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Dover resident Lindsey McElligott, 35, has never officially run the Boston Marathon. As a freshman soccer player at Wellesley College, McElligott and a friend jumped the line and ran the second half of the marathon, which includes Heartbreak Hill. The two “bandits” finished the race, got their reflective blankets, and went home to...
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Dover residents await Lifetime Learning

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By Stephen Press Hometown Weekly Staff Spring is here (on paper, at least), and it seems everyone is looking for their own personal "something" that marks the end of winter. For some, it’s the return of the Red Sox that means spring has truly sprung. Others may listen for spring peepers singing in the night. Some look out...
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Charles River School to construct new middle school

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Charles River School (CRS), an independent PreK – 8 school in Dover, announced today that it has raised an unprecedented $7.5 million in six months and has embarked on a capital campaign. Funds raised by the campaign will support the construction of a new middle school and grow the school’s endowment. The new...
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Cub Scouts walk through Dover

Dover Cub Scouts enjoyed a walk through Chase Woodlands and Peters’ Reservation on Saturday, November 12. About 20 Cubs and adults were led by Amey Moot of the Dover Open Space Committee. They heard about her family’s prior use of this land, and their donation of the land to preserve as open space. Interesting local...
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Lifetime Learning offers food for thought

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter Many people try to avoid school as vehemently as possible once it is no longer required. However, for the members of the Lifetime Learning classes, this is far from their objective. Lifetime Learning in Dover offers courses in philosophy, music, history, art, and horticulture. Thursday was the last class...
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Japan meets Wellesley neighbors

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On October 17, a delegation from Ota, Japan, met with members of Wellesley Neighbors (WN) to discuss new ideas for taking care of an aging population. The Japanese population is aging faster than that of any other country in the world, according to Foreign Affairs Magazine. Japan is grappling with a shortage of...
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Caryl House a Dover miracle

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By Stephen Press Hometown Weekly Staff Just outside of the center of Dover, a Georgian-style house keeps watch over Dedham Street. The home looks as though it could have grown out of the landscape; so perfectly fitting is it for the environment that one could convince himself that it had been there forever. Perhaps that’s...
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CRS students experience farm life

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In keeping with annual tradition, this past week Charles River School seventh and eighth grade students kicked off their year by visiting The Farm School in Athol, Massachusetts. The Farm’s mission is to involve children directly in our responsibility as stewards of the earth through active involvement on a working farm. This trip enables...
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Dover Springdale Festival prevails despite weather

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By Katrina Margolis Hometown Weekly Reporter Walking across the field to the Springdale Field Festival tents, the foliage and natural beauty of the land shone through despite the overcast weather and light rain. Kids of all ages ran around outside of the three tents, throwing footballs, kicking soccer balls, and tossing frisbies back and...
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