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Tag Archives: Dover

Dover COA Friends hosting Harvest Brunch

The Friends of the Dover Council on Aging will be holding their 8th Annual Harvest Brunch at Dover’s American Legion Hall on Sunday, October 21, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is the Friends' largest fundraiser this year. Their staff of unpaid and dedicated volunteers focus on the mission to raise funds for the...
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Dover’s Goorha releases ‘Hidden Immortality’

Teen author and Dover resident Valini Goorha has hit the book market with “Hidden Immortality,” which takes young adults on an adventure by portraying an entirely new world that, at first, seems almost normal. Buried inside the earth rests a community built upon the false premise that the world above them is dangerous. Lies sown...
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Baby Kneads regional program starting soon

Westwood Early Childhood has partnered with the towns of Walpole, Medfield and Dover as part of the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Program to provide a special series for parents of babies ages birth through 6 months. "Baby Kneads" featuring Sheryl White will meet monthly on Monday mornings at 10:30 at the Westwood Main Library. The...
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Happy Strummers entertain in Westwood

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By Emily Greffenius Hometown Weekly Intern On June 21, the longest day of the year, the Westwood Library hosted The Happy Strummers, a senior ukulele troupe based in Dover, to lead a sing-along celebrating the summer solstice. The 14 players – 11 women and three men – meet to practice once a week on Wednesdays,...
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Powisset cooks whip up dessert

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By Daniel Curtin Hometown Weekly Reporter Sweet aromas filled the air, and the repetitive thud of knives hitting cutting boards banged over the quiet hum of strawberry and rhubarb slices sizzling in a pan. This was the scene in the kitchen of Powisset Farm as members of the community came to chop, stir and taste...
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Powisset Farm serves up brunch

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter If you’ve ever wondered how to make the perfect meal, you might want to befriend some of the seniors in Dover and Westwood who frequently participate in the in the “Powisset Cooks!” program at Powisset Farm. These Council on Aging members have honed their knife skills, refined their palates,...
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Dover pays respects to town’s veterans

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter Although Dover is a small town, many of its citizens have served for our country. On May 30, members of the community gathered in front of Town Hall to pay their respects to the men and women of Dover - and from all around the country - who lost...
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Noanet Woodlands updates parking, dog policies

As the busy summer season kicks off at Trustees parks, woodlands, farms, historic homesteads and gardens, and beaches around the state, the statewide nonprofit has announced some important changes taking place at its Noanet Woodlands property in Dover. Effective as of June 15, in line with many properties across the state, a parking kiosk will be...
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Seniors continue bocce tradition

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter Every Friday from April to October, a group of women from the Dover Council on Aging set aside a couple of hours to get together and play bocce. While it may not be as popular of an activity nowadays, these women have an absolute blast playing. “It’s obviously social,...
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Dover author discusses Pacific Ocean theater

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter On May 23, longtime Dover resident Henry Faulkner visited the Dover Town Library for a talk on the history surrounding his books, “Sprouting Wings” and “Slow But Deadly.” The historical fiction novels revolve around Alan Ericsson, who begins his training to be a carrier pilot as tensions between the...
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‘Up In Smoke BBQ’ June 13

The Friends of the Dover Council on Aging are inviting all Dover residents to join them outdoors at the Caryl Community Center for an “Up In Smoke BBQ” on Wednesday, June 13, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This is event's fifth year. The cost is $5 per person pre-registration, or $10 on the day...
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Sherborn Snappers open registration

Registration is now open to all residents of Sherborn and Dover for the 2018 Sherborn “Snappers” swim team season. Like last year, registration is a two-step process. Parents must visit to register their swimmer(s). They then need to visit to finalize registration and make payment. All information regarding swim meet dates, practice times, swim...
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DS hosting Challenge Success regional kick-off

Dover-Sherborn High School will host a parent education event featuring keynote speaker Dr. Brad Sachs on Friday, May 4, from 7:00-8:30 p.m., in the Mudge Auditorium at Dover-Sherborn High School. Dr. Denise Pope will join Dr. Sachs on stage for a conversation about the prevalent stress and anxiety facing adolescents today. They will promote a...
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Dover Dems elect convention delegates

Registered Democrats in Dover recently held a caucus to elect delegates to the 2018 Massachusetts Democratic Convention. Elected as delegates were Rob Andrews, Erin Rodat-Savla, and Carina Sullivan. Peter Hoffman, Kevin Luey, and Candice Sullivan were elected as alternate delegates. Committee Co-Chair Carol Lisbon will also be attending as a delegate. “It was a great caucus...
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Hometown communities a lacrosse gold mine

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By Michael Flanagan Hometown Weekly Sports Editor Lacrosse has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, and the seven towns that Hometown Weekly covers (Dover, Medfield, Needham, Sherborn, Walpole, Wellesley, Westwood) have all become certifiable hotbeds for the sport. But how hot, exactly? Currently, 37 NCAA Division I men’s lacrosse players reside in, or are natives to,...
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Remembering the Blizzard of ’78

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By Ilene Hoffman January 20, 1978: Huge snowstorm. (When I wrote this, I didn’t know a real huge snowstorm was coming in two weeks.) February 6, 1978: Left work, slightly paranoid about the snow. That’s my diary entry regarding the Blizzard of 1978. Unfortunately, I have no personal photos from that historic blizzard 40 years ago,...
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Dover Scouts race pinewood derby

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By Laura Drinan Hometown Weekly Reporter Deeply rooted in Cub Scout tradition is the annual pinewood derby. It’s a half-day at Kraft Hall dedicated to racing miniature gravity-fueled wooden cars, designed and built by the Cub Scouts and their parents. “This is a huge Cub Scout tradition,” said DJ Johnston, one of the den leaders. “We...
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Wellesley Neighbors holding warm winter gathering

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Area seniors who’d like to know more about Wellesley Neighbors (WN) are invited to a warm winter gathering at a member’s home on February 6 at 3 p.m. WN is a social, educational and support organization for couples and singles 55 and above in Dover, Natick, Needham, Wellesley and Weston. For directions to...
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CRS students shine in local competitions

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After months of preparation, the Charles River School Model United Nations and Robotics teams competed in local competitions this month. At both of these events, students had the opportunity to apply all they’d practiced and learned this fall, and to think on their feet. On December 9, 21 CRS students in grades 6-8 took...
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CRS students shine in local competitions

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After months of preparation, the Charles River School Model United Nations and Robotics teams competed in local competitions this month. At both of these events, students had the opportunity to apply all they’d practiced and learned this fall, and to think on their feet. On December 9, 21 CRS students in grades 6-8 took...
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