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Tag Archives: dogs

High-energy hounds run at MSH

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By Amelia Tarallo Hometown Weekly Staff As outdoor conditions become colder and the ground becomes icier, it becomes a little more difficult to take our fine furry family members for their daily walks. For members of Viz Whizz, it can be especially hard. Viz Whizz USA is an organization that help provide education and support...
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Artist Mangi paints pets

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By James Kinneen Hometown Weekly Reporter On Wednesday night, Johanne Mangi gave a demonstration of how she paints portraits of people’s pets. Presented in association with The Wellesley Society of Artists, Stray Pets in Need (SPIN) and The Wellesley Free Library, the show lasted from 6:30 to the library’s closing at nine o’clock. How do...
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Greg and Axel Show dazzles kids

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By James Kinneen Hometown Weekly Reporter The classic magician’s assistant is an attractive woman in a bright red dress who acts to distract audience members from wherever the illusionist doesn’t want them looking. But kids aren’t distracted by pretty girls in red dresses, they’re distracted by dogs. So, to that end, on the night...
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Furry friends find refuge at shelter

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By Amelia Tarallo Hometown Weekly Staff Since 2004, pet lovers in need of a new companion have been coming to the Medfield Animal Shelter - whose residents are often found on Hometown Weekly’s pet page - to find their new best friends. In 2018 alone, 553 animals found new homes after their stays at the...
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Dog show leaves audience in awe

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By Amelia Tarallo Hometown Weekly Staff A crowd gathered outside the Medfield Library to watch the Flying High Dogs group preform amidst a warm, sunny day on May 18. Parents brought picnic lunches and lawn chairs. Others sat on the perfectly placed lawn chairs and rocks. All were excited to see what tricks these...
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GOFI to graduate service dogs

On March 10 from 2-4 p.m., service dogs from Golden Opportunities for Independence (GOFI) will graduate at Walpole High School. These dogs have been in training for 18 months and thousands of hours of dedication by their human partners, trainers, volunteers and staff of Golden Opportunities for Independence. gofi-graduation Read more

Children read to therapy dog

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By Robby McKittrick Hometown Weekly Reporter On Saturday, September 29, the Medfield Public Library hosted its monthly “Read to A Dog” session. Almost every month, the children’s section of the library invites six kids read a book of their choice for 15 minutes to a therapy dog. Bernadette Foley, the Head of Children’s Services at...
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