Rep. Garlick reflects on career

By Lauren Schiavone
Hometown Weekly Staff
There’s no place like home for the holidays, and Needham homes are dazzled with sparkling lights and inflatable lawn ornaments once again.
To bring attention to the creativity of the community, 32 homes are currently featured in the Needham Women’s Club’s (NWC)...
By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter
Closing in on the one year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, First Parish Unitarian Universalist held an anti-racism vigil, to both “honor those who have lost their lives due to the devastating effects of racism,” and “support those who have dealt with the impacts of...
William Topham spoke about how many Vietnam veterans were left permanently disabled by the war, at the March 29th ceremony.
By James Kinneen
Hometown Weekly Reporter
While many Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day and other events that honor Americans who served in the armed forces have...