By Amelia Tarallo
Hometown Weekly Staff
There is hope amongst all military members’ families that their loved ones return home unharmed. Unfortunately, that it is not always the case. Like many men, Joseph Finneran joined the army on December 18th, 1941, following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Just over a year later, 1st Lt Joseph Finneran...
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Post 104 remembers namesake Pvt. Crowley

In American Legions circles, Walpole Legion Post 104 is widely known as the Thomas H. Crowley Post 104.
When the American Legion was organized following World War I, each local post, when chartered, was assigned a number - in Walpole, Post 104.
In addition, most posts adopted a name - usually someone in the community who...
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The Scent of War

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By Tom Keating
I boarded the Flying Tiger Air 707 at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey on September, 1969 along with 200 other soldiers to begin our trip to the war in Vietnam. We all wore our new bright green jungle fatigues, and sat silently as the plane took off and headed...
A Christmas Memory
By Thomas Keating, Jr.
There isn’t a worse time to be in a hospital than during the holiday season, but there I was. I was in the Army hospital at Ft. Dix, New Jersey, falling ill with severe pneumonia during basic combat training, caused, no doubt, by training outdoors that cold, snowy November of 1968.
My high...
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Neil Martino here for a purpose

By Linda Thomas
Westwood Hometown Weekly Correspondent
A ribbon of tracer fire cut through the night sky over the Green Zone in the middle of Baghdad.
It was a black October night in 2005. The air was cool.
Bullets were flying everywhere. No one knew where they were coming from. No one knew what was going on.
One soldier,...
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