The Needham Scouts will be collecting food for the Needham Community Council Food Pantry on Saturday, March 25. Collection bags will be delivered to as many homes as possible. Residents are asked to have their bags outside their front doors by 8:00 a.m. so that the Scouts can pick them up, and to be as generous as possible with their donations. Residents are asked not to include any items that have expired or anything in glass containers.
Visit for a monthly list of items requested for the Food Pantry.
Those not receiving bags still may donate to the Scouts’ collection site at the Norfolk Lodge, 1101 Highland Ave., Needham, anytime between 9 a.m. and noon on Sat., March 25. Alternatively, residents may bring their items to the Council any time Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Monday and Wednesday, until 7 p.m. or Saturday, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Cub Scouts from Pack 23 at Saint Joe’s in Needham prepared 900 shopping bags for distribution on the weekend of March 18. Needham’s two other Cub Scout Packs, Pack 8 (Chartered to the Grace Lutheran Church) and Pack 4 (Chartered to the VFW) will soon be doing the same.
The Council Food Pantry has been in existence for more than 25 years and currently serves over 225 Needham families each month. Clients receive food, paper goods, bread and pastry which are generously donated to the Council by community businesses and individuals.
The Council is also a member of the Greater Boston Food Bank. As food, gas and energy costs increase and the economy continues to be unstable, there is an increased need for support from the Food Pantry.
The Needham Community Council does not receive any public funding and relies on the generous contributions of the community for support. For more information about the Council and/or the Food Pantry, call (781-444-2415) or visit the Council website.