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Needhamites celebrate 40th annual Pansy Day

By Julia Beauregard
Hometown Weekly Editor

Now spanning four decades, the Needham History Center and Museum celebrated their fortieth annual Pansy Day! Needhamites gathered at the grounds of the History Center to celebrate spring with pansies galore.

Needhamites strolled the grounds of the lawn in front of the schoolhouse, observing and purchasing pansies of all sizes and a wide array of vibrant colors.

This annual fundraiser is a Needham tradition, and this tradition has beautiful and historical roots, as the pansy is Needham's official flower. "The pansy was developed here in the late 19th century," Gloria Greis, executive director of the Needham History Center and Museum shared. It was developed by Needham's "Pansy King," Swiss botanist Denys Zirngiebel. The "Pansy King" was a commercial grower who developed a breathtaking variety of pansies within his greenhouses on South Street.

Zirngiebel's Giant Swiss Pansies won awards and were sold all over the country, including monthly shipments to the White House, leading to the pansy becoming the emblem of Needham. "So, we celebrate the invention of the pansy in Needham. It’s such a delicious thing to do in the spring, because especially this time of year, people are starved for the springtime," Greis stated.

Although the day itself was rather cold, the vibrancy of the pansies warmed the hearts of all as it acted as a reminder that spring is right around the corner. It served as a wonderful way to welcome spring, celebrate Needham and its rich history, and support the Needham History Center and Museum.

To stay up-to-date on events that the Needham History Center and Museum holds, check out their website:

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