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Needham celebrates third annual Pride

By Riley Fontana 

Hometown Weekly Reporter

Needham invited everyone to celebrate Pride for the third year in a row. This annual event brings together LGBTQ+ people and allies to show that love exists and everyone has a home in Needham. Hosted in collaboration with First Parish and the Congregational Church of Needham, this march and party celebrate every identity and welcome all with open arms.

The event started with chants and blessings of glitter at First Parish, where participants were encouraged to create signs and grab their pride flags. Representatives from each church spoke about what Pride means to them and how this year's theme, “Pride is Super,” honors the everyday superheroes—LGBTQIA+ people who live every day as their true selves. It takes a lot of power and bravery to come out, and Needham Has Pride celebrates that.

Speakers honored the heroes of the past who fought for gay rights, such as Harvey Milk, Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and many more. Along with honoring everyone who fought in the past, there was recognition given to those who currently fight for equality and those who will fight in the future. Local town and congress board members, as well as representatives from the high school’s Queer Student Union, were among those honored.

After the crowd decorated themselves in pride gear and chanted, it was time to march. The group paraded down Great Plain Avenue to the Congregational Church of Needham, where the lawn was set up for a party and celebration. Music from LGBTQIA+ artists played through the speakers as people made bracelets, gave each other temporary tattoos, played with bubbles, and filled out postcards to send to those at the forefront of the fight for gay and transgender rights.

The party went on for a few hours, welcoming more participants as the day progressed. People mingled, made new friends, and engaged in all the activities that Pride has to offer. Needham Has Pride is a wonderful celebration of LGBTQ+ community members and their allies. Everyone is already looking forward to next year's celebration of Pride in Needham.

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