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Veterans ceremony lights up Baxter Park

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By Laura Drinan
Hometown Weekly Reporter

Just after sunset, dozens met at Baxter Park in Medfield to remember and honor the town’s veterans on November 11. From the street, a soft glow lined the stone pathways that led to the memorial in the park. As those joining the ceremony came closer, they quickly realized the lights were coming from luminary bags decorated with the names of those of have served and lit with candles.

Past Commander American Legion Al Manganello welcomed all who joined and began the ceremony with the presentation of colors from the American Legion Color Guard and the National Anthem sung by Thomas McGowan.

Just after dusk, the American Legion Post 110 hosts a Veterans Day ceremony at the Baxter Park memorial.

Just after dusk, the American Legion Post 110 hosts a Veterans Day ceremony at the Baxter Park memorial.

 Justin Plakias, a Medfield student, performs the taps to close the Veterans Day ceremony at Baxter Park.

Justin Plakias, a Medfield student, performs the taps to close the Veterans Day ceremony at Baxter Park.

After all recited the Pledge of Allegiance, Commander American Legion Post 110 David Conner gave a few short remarks.

“I’m proud to be a veteran and I’m proud to stand with veterans,” said Conner. He informed the audience, which included many youngsters, about the beginning of Veterans Day (or Armistice Day, as it was formerly called) by speaking on the end of World War I. “I think that Veterans Day should be a celebration of peace – not war,” he said.

Manganello read the names of veterans who have passed away in the last year that have had connections with the Medfield community. Collecting those names is just one thing the Medfield American Legion does year-round to honor veterans.

After Scout Justin Plakias played the taps, Chaplain American Legion Post 110, Phil Burr, delivered a closing prayer.

“Let us not forget that today is the day of patriotism,” Burr began. “We are so fortunate to be here because of the past experiences of our veterans. Let’s not forget the families that have suffered and let us not forget the prisoners of war.”

After Burr finished the prayer to keep those who are and have served safe, the Medfield veterans raised the flags of their branches of the military. The group then disbanded and looked for the names of loved ones on the luminary bags.

Children on the paths of Baxter Park carefully stepped in between the luminary bags to run through the grass. After giving their thanks to those recognized during the ceremony and remembered on the luminary bags, the Medfield community returned home to warm up and reflect upon their freedom.

The American Legion Post 110 hosts a Veterans Day ceremony with candle-lit luminary bags to honor those who have served.

The American Legion Post 110 hosts a Veterans Day ceremony with candle-lit luminary bags to honor those who have served.

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