The Dover Planning Board is pleased to announce details of the town’s efforts to comply with the MBTA Communities Act.
Dover’s Planning Board is working to comply with the MBTA Communities Act zoning requirements under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, Section 3A. The Board will post a public survey on March 4, followed by a public information session on March 25 to discuss proposed locations for new zoning requirements under state law.
“The Town of Dover has been doing a great deal of research and work to seek the best ways to comply with the MBTA Communities Act while maintaining a focus on the needs of Dover,” said Town Administrator Blanchard. “This law was passed by the state legislature and signed by former Governor Charlie Baker in 2021."
Dover is one of 177 Massachusetts municipalities in the MBTA’s service area now required to have at least one zoning district of reasonable size in which multifamily housing — at least three units on one piece of property with no age restrictions and deemed suitable for families with children — is permitted as of right.
To comply with the law, the Town of Dover is working to identify a district to be zoned for MBTA compliance. A zoning bylaw will be crafted to regulate this specific type of development in the proposed district, and a vote will be taken to approve or reject this bylaw and a zoning map amendment at a Special Town Meeting scheduled for Monday, Sept. 29. Dover's compliance deadline is Dec. 31, 2025.
How can you learn more?
The Town has developed a page on its website with information on the MBTA Communities Act and what it means for Dover.
“We encourage all residents to review the information,” said Carol Lisbon, Dover Planning Board Chair. “It should be noted that the MBTA Communities Act does NOT require that multifamily housing, in fact, be built; does NOT compel Dover to pay for or approve new infrastructure like sewer or water; and does NOT supersede or override Dover wetlands or Title V laws or any of Dover’s general bylaws or regulations.”
March events:
The Planning Board will post a survey asking residents to share their thoughts about three locations which have been identified as potential locations for an MBTA-compliant zoning district.
The Planning Board will host a virtual Public Information Session on March 25 at 7 p.m. on Zoom (
“We will present information about Dover’s efforts to comply with the MBTA Communities Act and provide residents with a forum for discussion,” said Planning Board Chair Lisbon. “More information about the session can be found on the MBTA webpage and on the Town Calendar.”
All residents can review the draft MBTA Communities Act Bylaw and currently identified overlay districts on the Town of Dover’s website.
“Your input is important, and we look forward to hearing from you,” said Town Administrator Blanchard. For any questions or concerns, contact Dover Town Planner Jasmin Farinacci at [email protected].
Visit the MBTA FAQ sheet here for answers to Frequently Asked Questions about MBTA Communities Act Zoning and Requirements.