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Cavi Carroll cheers up the neighborhood

By Amelia Tarallo
Hometown Weekly Staff

A majority of the population has found itself mostly confined to their property since mid-March. The most exciting events of the week are limited to grocery store visits, trips to the mailbox, and daily walks around the neighborhood. To say that people are itching to leave their houses is an understatement.

Nine-year-old Cavi Carroll of Sherborn knows the feeling and has taken it upon herself to spend a bit of each day cheering up her neighbors with a song of the day. 

Each day, Cavi and her brother travel around the neighborhood and place a song of the day paper in each mailbox. Armed with the song, neighbors make their way to the end of the driveway as Cavi, her brother, and her mother make their way down the street, blasting the song from their car.

Cavi was inspired to start her daily musical routine when she saw a video of people in Italy standing in their balconies and singing together. Soon, the idea for a neighborhood sing-along came together. Cavi began inviting about 52 people, daily. 

The first song was “Sweet Caroline,” by Neil Diamond. Since then, the love for the neighborhood sing-along has only grown. Neighbors have even sent in requests for songs. The tracks included so far have consisted of classics like “YMCA,” “Born to Run,” “Yellow Submarine,” and “Happy,” just to name a few. 

Certain days are more special than others, with Cavi taking special care to include references to Earth Day (printing the next day’s song on the same piece of paper).

Earth Day’s song, for the record, was “Feel the Earth Move,” by Carole King.

Neighbors have loved the daily song time. "It gets us up and out of the house," said one neighbor. Their favorite songs included "Sweet Caroline," and "Dancing in the Street."

"We're thrilled that Cavi took the initiative to do something like this to bring the neighborhood together," they said.

No one knows when it will be safe to leave the house again, or when regular work and activities will resume. Until  that happens, Cavi Carroll will be ready with a song of the day.

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