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Solarize Mass Plus Needham program extended

The Town of Needham has announced that the Solarize Mass Plus Needham program will be extended to the end of May. The program is a cooperative effort between the state, the Town of Needham, and local volunteers spreading the word on the environmental and economic benefits of having a Solar PV system on their home and adopting other clean energy technologies such as air source heat pumps.

The Town's chosen vendors, Boston Solar and NETR Inc., are up and running, and are offering time-limited discounts. They offer "virtual" appointments by using various platforms, such as Facetime, Zoom Meeting, photos from home owners, and phone calls. This enables them to safely evaluate homes for rooftop solar and for air source heat pumps that heat and cool a home efficiently.

Vendors can be reached by visit Solar coaches are available to answer questions via [email protected].

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