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Youth lax registration closing soon

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Registration​ ​is​ ​closing​ ​soon​ ​for​ ​the​ ​spring​ ​2018​ ​season.​ ​Timely​ ​player​ ​registration​ ​helps​ ​the volunteer-run​ ​league​ ​to​ ​do​ ​the​ ​planning​ ​and​ ​coach​ ​recruiting​ ​necessary​ ​to​ ​deliver​ ​a​ ​superior​ ​player experience; interested parties are encouraged ​to register​ as soon as possible. ​Westwood​ ​Youth​ ​Lacrosse​ ​is​ ​open​ ​to​ ​new​ ​and​ ​experienced​ ​male players​ ​who​ ​are​ ​in​ ​grades​ ​1-8.

To​ ​register,​ ​visit​ ​​​​ ​and​ ​look​ ​for​ ​the​ ​"Register​ ​Now"​ ​button.

Community members are encouraged to sign​ ​up​ ​by​ ​December​ ​1​ ​to​ ​avoid​ ​the​ ​$100​ ​late​ ​fee​ ​and​ ​ensure​ ​their​ ​children​ ​get​ ​a​ ​spot.​​ ​After​ ​the deadline,​ ​players​ ​will​ ​only​ ​be​ ​accepted​ ​if​ ​there​ ​is​ ​space​ ​available.​ ​New​ ​and​ ​returning​ ​parents​ ​are encouraged​ ​to​ ​read​ ​over​ ​the​ ​“About​ ​the​ ​Program”​ ​page​ ​on​ ​Westwood​ ​Youth​ ​Lacrosse’s​ ​web​site,​ ​which​ ​provides​ ​program​ ​details and​ ​answers​ ​many​ ​common​ ​questions.

The​ ​Westwood​ ​Youth​ ​Lacrosse​ ​program​ ​was​ ​founded​ ​in​ ​1996​ ​to​ ​bring​ ​the​ ​sport​ ​of​ ​lacrosse​ ​to​ ​boys​ ​in our​ ​town.​ ​​ ​Our​ ​objectives​ ​are​ ​to​ ​provide​ ​enjoyment​ ​to​ ​players,​ ​coaches​ ​and​ ​parents;​ ​teach​ ​the​ ​sport and​ ​skills​ ​of​ ​lacrosse,​ ​improve​ ​the​ ​level​ ​of​ ​play​ ​over​ ​time;​ ​learn​ ​and​ ​practice​ ​good​ ​sportsmanship​ ​at​ ​all times;​ ​be​ ​competitive​ ​against​ ​other​ ​teams​ ​we​ ​play;​ ​demonstrate​ ​a​ ​high​ ​return​ ​rate​ ​of​ ​players​ ​from​ ​year to​ ​year;​ ​and​ ​improve​ ​the​ ​skill​ ​level​ ​of​ ​players​ ​entering​ ​the​ ​Westwood​ ​High​ ​School​ ​program.

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