Poet travels to Westwood Elementary Schools

This month, Westwood students at three elementary schools—Westwood Elementary Schools—showed their poetry talents in workshops with guest poet Dr. Jennifer Bogard, author of The ABCs of Plum Island, B is For Beach Plums, and...
Artist Exhibit anticipates springtime

By Lauren Schiavon
Hometown Weekly Reporter
Watercolors, glass art, porcelain and more are featured in the Westwood Artists Exhibit. Held at the library, the exhibit resides in the lobby. The central location gives generous light to the pieces and allows patrons to appreciate great local art every...
Students vote on new school name

By Julia Beauregard
ometown Weekly Editor
Over 400 students at Deerfield and Hanlon elementary school, grades K-5, cast their vote last Friday to name their new school. Next February, the two elementary schools will join together under one new, modern roof.
R.A.Y. (Recognize-A-Youth) Program

The Westwood Rotary and Westwood Youth & Family Services Department (WY&FS) are seeking the public’s help to identify young people in our community that have demonstrated a commitment to helping others. We would like to celebrate these individuals by honoring them with the R.A.Y (Recognize-A-Youth) award. Recipients will have...
Pack 1 hosted annual Pinewood Derby

Westwood Pack 1 hosted its annual Pinewood Derby at the First Baptist Church on March 11th in conjunction with the Westwood Girl Scout Troop. The first Pinewood Derbywas held in California in 1953 and is a highlight of the Cub Scout calendar. However for the first time in Westwood the local Girl Scout Troop was invited...
Celebration of J. S. Bach’s musical genius

By Audrey Anderson
Hometown Weekly Correspondent
The Union Congregational Church in East Walpole was delighted to welcome Chris Humbert Jr., bass-baritone, to sing pieces composed by J. S. Bach, as part of their Bach Sunday worship service, held on March 26. The liturgy included congregational hymns and...
Dan Shaugnessy to appear at WPL

Local sports writer Dan Shaugnessy will make his sixth appearance in Walpole, sponsored as always by The Friends of the Walpole Public Library. On Thursday evening, April 6, at 7:30 p.m., at the Walpole Public Library, 143 School Street, he'll talk about his latest book. All are welcome to...
Town-Wide litter cleanup announced

On Saturday, April 29, 2023, Walpole will join over 100 Massachusetts communities by partnering with Keep Massachusetts Beautiful to participate in the Great Massachusetts Cleanup. The 5th Annual town-wide litter cleanup will bring Walpole residents and businesses together to transform our streets and public spaces through a volunteer led...